
Occurrence records download on 2019-11-10

Record count: 54,604
Search query:
  • query: qid:1573356378571
  • filter: (state:"Australian Capital Territory" OR state:"New South Wales" OR state:"Victoria")
Data profile disabled
  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY ACT BioBlitz
  • CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative
  • CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0.
  • CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
  • CC-BY-NC
  • CC-BY-NC-Int
  • Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level)
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au))
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]).
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int))
  • Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (Australia) (CC-BY-NC 3.0 (Aus))
  • Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
Date Created: 2019-11-10 2:27 PM

Datasets (25)

Name Licence Record count
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). 25,332
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 24,089
MEL AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 4,404
Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region CC-BY-NC 313
Conservation Atlas Surveys Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 153
iNaturalist Australia CC-BY-NC-Int 58
Canberra Nature Map CC-BY 55
HO AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 37
Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank CC-BY 29
University of Melbourne Herbarium Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (Australia) (CC-BY-NC 3.0 (Aus)) 28
NatureShare CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0. 25
Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) 19
Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness - Sightings CC-BY 15
NSW South Coast & ACT plants CC-BY 10
ACT BioBlitz CC-BY ACT BioBlitz 8
New Zealand Virtual Herbarium CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 7
PlantBank Records CC-BY 7
Great Eastern Ranges - Slopes to Summit CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative 3
BRI AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 3
ALA species sightings and OzAtlas CC-BY 3
SA Flora (BDBSA) Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 2
WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data CC-BY 1
Records of the Victorian Conservation Seedbank CC-BY 1
Questagame weekly feed CC-BY-NC 1
Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1