Occurrence records download on 2023-06-03
Record count: 13
Search query:
- query: Scientific name:"Tyto javanica"
- spatial query: MULTIPOLYGON(((145.2689552307129 -16.576115859688404,145.24389266967773 -16.571509037317384,145.24457931518555 -16.592567896516112,145.30946731567383 -16.66987359546907,145.33246994018555 -16.67217584021837,145.4179573059082 -16.57479963597433,145.36611557006833 -16.593554973978964,145.34208297729492 -16.612966467281364,145.32869338989258 -16.607373526266656,145.3201103210449 -16.581709710056824,145.2689552307129 -16.576115859688404)))
Data profile: ALA General
Name | Filter |
Exclude environmental DNA and fossil specimen records | -basisOfRecord:"FOSSIL_SPECIMEN" AND -(basisOfRecord:"MATERIAL_SAMPLE" AND contentTypes:"EnvironmentalDNA") |
Exclude duplicate records | -(duplicate_status:"ASSOCIATED" AND duplicateType:"DIFFERENT_DATASET") |
Exclude records with scientific name related quality assertions | -assertions:TAXON_MATCH_NONE AND -assertions:INVALID_SCIENTIFIC_NAME AND -assertions:TAXON_HOMONYM AND -assertions:UNKNOWN_KINGDOM AND -assertions:TAXON_SCOPE_MISMATCH |
Exclude absence records | -occurrenceStatus:ABSENT |
Exclude records with open user assertions | -userAssertions:50001 AND -userAssertions:50005 |
Exclude records with event date pre 1700 | -year:[* TO 1700] |
Exclude records with location related data quality assertions | -establishmentMeans:"MANAGED" AND -decimalLatitude:0 AND -decimalLongitude:0 AND -assertions:"PRESUMED_SWAPPED_COORDINATE" AND -assertions:"COORDINATES_CENTRE_OF_STATEPROVINCE" AND -assertions:"COORDINATES_CENTRE_OF_COUNTRY" AND -assertions:"PRESUMED_NEGATED_LATITUDE" AND -assertions:"PRESUMED_NEGATED_LONGITUDE" |
Exclude records that are an outlier (not within the expected range) against 3 or more environmental layers according to a reverse jacknife test | -outlierLayerCount:[3 TO *] |
Exclude records with a spatially suspect flag. | -spatiallyValid:"false" |
Exclude records with high uncertainty | -coordinateUncertaintyInMeters:[10001 TO *] |
Date Created: 2023-06-03 12:33 PM
Datasets (3)
Name | Licence | Record count |
BirdLife Australia, Birdata | CC-BY-NC | 6 |
First Bird Atlas | CC-BY-NC | 5 |
Historical Bird Atlas | CC-BY-NC | 2 |