
Occurrence records download on 2019-03-18

Record count: 1,164,482
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  • query: qid:1552862241086
Search URL: ( SPECIES: Bidyanus bidyanus OR SPECIES: Brachionichthys hirsutus OR SPECIES: Carcharias taurus OR SPECIES: Galaxias rostratus OR SPECIES: Galaxias truttaceus OR SPECIES: Glyphis glyphis OR SPECIES: Stiphodon semoni OR SPECIES: Thymichthys politus OR SPECIES: Litoria lorica OR SPECIES: Litoria nyakalensis OR SPECIES: Pseudophryne corroboree OR SPECIES: Pseudophryne pengilleyi OR SPECIES: Taudactylus pleione OR SPECIES: Aipysurus apraefrontalis OR SPECIES: Aipysurus foliosquama OR SPECIES: Cryptoblepharus egeriae OR SPECIES: Elseya albagula OR SPECIES: Emoia nativitatis OR SPECIES: Lepidodactylus listeri OR SPECIES: Nangura spinosa OR SPECIES: Phyllurus gulbaru OR SPECIES: Pseudemydura umbrina OR SPECIES: Wollumbinia georgesi OR SUBSPECIES: Acanthornis magna greeniana OR UNRANKED: Amytornis modestus obscurior OR SPECIES: Anthochaera (Xanthomyza) phrygia OR SPECIES: Calidris (Erolia) ferruginea OR SPECIES: Calidris (Calidris) tenuirostris OR SUBSPECIES: Cinclosoma (Cinclosoma) punctatum anachoreta OR SUBSPECIES: Epthianura (Aurepthianura) crocea macgregori OR SPECIES: Lathamus discolor OR SUBSPECIES: Lichenostomus melanops cassidix OR SUBSPECIES: Limosa lapponica menzbieri OR SUBSPECIES: Melanodryas (Melanodryas) cucullata melvillensis OR SPECIES: Neophema (Neonanodes) chrysogaster OR SPECIES: Numenius (Numenius) madagascariensis OR SPECIES: Pedionomus torquatus OR SPECIES: Pezoporus flaviventris OR SPECIES: Pterodroma arminjoniana OR SPECIES: Pterodroma (Hallstroma) heraldica OR SPECIES: Crocidura trichura OR SPECIES: Gymnobelideus leadbeateri OR SPECIES: Lasiorhinus krefftii OR UNRANKED: Miniopterus orianae bassanii OR SPECIES: Pipistrellus murrayi OR SPECIES: Potorous gilbertii OR SPECIES: Pseudocheirus occidentalis OR SPECIES: Pteropus natalis OR SPECIES: Zyzomys pedunculatus OR SPECIES: Adclarkia dawsonensis OR SPECIES: Advena campbellii OR SUBSPECIES: Argynnis hyperbius inconstans OR SPECIES: Cherax tenuimanus OR SPECIES: Discocharopa vigens OR SPECIES: Dryococelus australis OR SPECIES: Engaewa pseudoreducta OR SPECIES: Engaewa reducta OR SPECIES: Euastacus bindal OR SPECIES: Euastacus dharawalus OR SUBSPECIES: Gudeoconcha sophiae magnifica OR SPECIES: Hoplogonus bornemisszai OR SPECIES: Hyridella (Protohyridella) glenelgensis OR SPECIES: Leioproctus (Andrenopsis) douglasiellus OR SPECIES: Marginaster littoralis OR UNRANKED: Mathewsoconcha grayi ms OR SPECIES: Mathewsoconcha phillipii OR SPECIES: Mathewsoconcha suteri OR SPECIES: Micropathus kiernani OR SPECIES: Mystivagor mastersi OR SPECIES: Neopasiphae simplicior OR SUBSPECIES: Ogyris subterrestris petrina OR SPECIES: Ordtrachia septentrionalis OR SPECIES: Pseudocharopa ledgbirdi OR SPECIES: Pseudocharopa whiteleggei OR SPECIES: Pseudococcus markharveyi OR SPECIES: Quintalia stoddartii OR SPECIES: Synemon plana OR SPECIES: Thersites mitchellae OR SPECIES: Chlamydogobius micropterus OR SPECIES: Craterocephalus fluviatilis OR SPECIES: Galaxias auratus OR SPECIES: Galaxias fontanus OR SPECIES: Galaxias fuscus OR SPECIES: Galaxias johnstoni OR SPECIES: Galaxiella nigrostriata OR SPECIES: Glyphis garricki OR SPECIES: Maccullochella ikei OR SPECIES: Maccullochella macquariensis OR SPECIES: Maccullochella mariensis OR SPECIES: Macquaria australasica OR SPECIES: Melanotaenia eachamensis OR SPECIES: Nannoperca oxleyana OR SPECIES: Paragalaxias mesotes OR SPECIES: Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis OR SPECIES: Zearaja maugeana OR SPECIES: Geocrinia alba OR SPECIES: Litoria booroolongensis OR SPECIES: Litoria castanea OR SPECIES: Litoria dayi OR SPECIES: Litoria myola OR SPECIES: Litoria nannotis OR SPECIES: Litoria rheocola OR SPECIES: Litoria spenceri OR SPECIES: Mixophyes fleayi OR SPECIES: Mixophyes iteratus OR SPECIES: Philoria frosti OR SPECIES: Spicospina flammocaerulea OR SPECIES: Taudactylus eungellensis OR SPECIES: Taudactylus rheophilus OR SPECIES: Bellatorias obiri OR SPECIES: Caretta caretta OR SPECIES: Cryptoblepharus gurrmul OR SPECIES: Cyclodomorphus praealtus OR SPECIES: Cyrtodactylus sadleiri OR SPECIES: Dermochelys coriacea OR SUBSPECIES: Egernia stokesii badia OR SPECIES: Elseya lavarackorum OR SPECIES: Elusor macrurus OR SPECIES: Eulamprus leuraensis OR SUBSPECIES: Eulamprus tympanum marnieae OR SPECIES: Lepidochelys olivacea OR SPECIES: Lerista allanae OR SPECIES: Lerista nevinae OR SPECIES: Liopholis guthega OR SUBSPECIES: Liopholis slateri slateri OR SPECIES: Lucasium occultum OR SPECIES: Tiliqua adelaidensis OR SPECIES: Tympanocryptis condaminensis OR SPECIES: Tympanocryptis pinguicolla OR SUBSPECIES: Acanthiza (Acanthiza) pusilla archibaldi OR SUBSPECIES: Accipiter (Leucospiza) hiogaster natalis OR SUBSPECIES: Amytornis (Maluropsis) barbatus barbatus OR SPECIES: Amytornis (Magnamytis) dorotheae OR SUBSPECIES: Amytornis (Cryptamytis) merrotsyi pedleri OR SUBSPECIES: Aquila (Uroaetus) audax fleayi OR SPECIES: Atrichornis (Rahcinta) clamosus OR SPECIES: Atrichornis (Atrichornis) rufescens OR SPECIES: Botaurus poiciloptilus OR SPECIES: Calidris (Calidris) canutus OR SUBSPECIES: Calyptorhynchus (Calyptorhynchus) banksii graptogyne OR SPECIES: Calyptorhynchus (Zanda) baudinii OR SUBSPECIES: Calyptorhynchus (Calyptorhynchus) lathami halmaturinus OR SPECIES: Calyptorhynchus (Zanda) latirostris OR SUBSPECIES: Casuarius casuarius johnsonii OR SUBSPECIES: Ceyx azureus diemenensis OR SUBSPECIES: Chalcophaps indica natalis OR SUBSPECIES: Charadrius (Charadrius) mongolus mongolus OR SPECIES: Cyanoramphus cookii OR SUBSPECIES: Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni OR SPECIES: Dasyornis (Dasyornis) brachypterus OR SPECIES: Dasyornis (Dasyornis) longirostris OR SPECIES: Diomedea amsterdamensis OR SPECIES: Diomedea dabbenena OR SPECIES: Diomedea sanfordi OR SUBSPECIES: Epthianura (Aurepthianura) crocea tunneyi OR SPECIES: Erythrura (Chloebia) gouldiae OR SPECIES: Fregata andrewsi OR SUBSPECIES: Hylacola pyrrhopygia parkeri OR SUBSPECIES: Hypotaenidia philippensis andrewsi OR SPECIES: Hypotaenidia sylvestris OR SPECIES: Macronectes giganteus OR SUBSPECIES: Malurus (Malurus) coronatus coronatus OR SPECIES: Manorina (Myzantha) melanotis OR SUBSPECIES: Neochmia (Neochmia) phaeton evangelinae OR SUBSPECIES: Neochmia (Neochmia) ruficauda ruficauda OR SUBSPECIES: Ninox (Ninox) novaeseelandiae undulata OR SPECIES: Papasula abbotti OR SPECIES: Pardalotus (Pardalotus) quadragintus OR SPECIES: Pezoporus occidentalis OR UNRANKED: Phaethon lepturus fulvus OR SUBSPECIES: Poephila (Poephila) cincta cincta OR SPECIES: Psephotus (Psephotellus) chrysopterygius OR SUBSPECIES: Psophodes (Phodopses) nigrogularis nigrogularis OR SUBSPECIES: Pterodroma (Cookilaria) leucoptera leucoptera OR SPECIES: Rostratula australis OR SUBSPECIES: Sterna (Sterna) vittata bethunei OR SUBSPECIES: Stipiturus malachurus intermedius OR SPECIES: Stipiturus mallee OR SPECIES: Thalassarche chrysostoma OR SPECIES: Thalassarche eremita OR SUBSPECIES: Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus OR SPECIES: Turnix (Austroturnix) olivii OR SUBSPECIES: Tyto (Megastrix) novaehollandiae melvillensis OR SPECIES: Antechinus argentus OR SPECIES: Antechinus arktos OR SPECIES: Arctocephalus tropicalis OR SPECIES: Balaenoptera musculus OR SUBSPECIES: Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi OR SPECIES: Bettongia tropica OR SPECIES: Burramys parvus OR SPECIES: Dasyurus hallucatus OR SUBSPECIES: Dasyurus maculatus gracilis OR SUBSPECIES: Dasyurus maculatus maculatus OR SPECIES: Dasyurus viverrinus OR SPECIES: Eubalaena australis OR SPECIES: Hipposideros inornatus OR SUBSPECIES: Isoodon obesulus obesulus OR SUBSPECIES: Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri OR SPECIES: Melomys rubicola OR SUBSPECIES: Mesembriomys gouldii gouldii) OR ( SPECIES: Myrmecobius fasciatus OR SPECIES: Onychogalea fraenata OR SPECIES: Parantechinus apicalis OR SUBSPECIES: Perameles bougainville bougainville OR UNRANKED: Perameles gunnii Victorian subspecies OR SPECIES: Petaurus gracilis OR SPECIES: Petrogale coenensis OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale concinna canescens OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale concinna monastria OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale lateralis lateralis OR SPECIES: Petrogale persephone OR SPECIES: Potorous longipes OR SPECIES: Pseudomys fumeus OR SPECIES: Pseudomys oralis OR SPECIES: Pseudomys shortridgei OR SPECIES: Sarcophilus harrisii OR SPECIES: Sminthopsis aitkeni OR SPECIES: Sminthopsis psammophila OR SUBSPECIES: Tachyglossus aculeatus multiaculeatus OR SPECIES: Zyzomys palatalis OR SPECIES: Adclarkia cameroni OR SPECIES: Adclarkia dulacca OR SUBSPECIES: Antipodia chaostola leucophaea OR SPECIES: Bertmainius tingle OR SPECIES: Engaeus granulatus OR SPECIES: Engaeus martigener OR SPECIES: Engaeus spinicaudatus OR SPECIES: Engaewa walpolea OR SPECIES: Euastacus bispinosus OR SPECIES: Lissotes latidens OR SPECIES: Mesodontrachia fitzroyana OR SPECIES: Oreixenica ptunarra OR SUBSPECIES: Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida OR SUBSPECIES: Phyllodes imperialis smithersi OR SPECIES: Placostylus (Maoristylus) bivaricosus OR SPECIES: Pommerhelix duralensis OR SPECIES: Semotrachia euzyga OR SPECIES: Sinumelon bednalli OR SPECIES: Tasmanipatus anophthalmus OR SPECIES: Thaumatoperla alpina OR SPECIES: Trisyntopa scatophaga OR SPECIES: Brachiopsilus ziebelli OR SPECIES: Carcharodon carcharias OR SPECIES: Chlamydogobius squamigenus OR SPECIES: Epinephelus daemelii OR SPECIES: Galaxias parvus OR SPECIES: Galaxias tanycephalus OR SPECIES: Galaxiella pusilla OR SPECIES: Maccullochella peelii OR SPECIES: Milyeringa veritas OR SPECIES: Mogurnda clivicola OR SPECIES: Nannatherina balstoni OR SPECIES: Nannoperca obscura OR SPECIES: Nannoperca variegata OR SPECIES: Neoceratodus forsteri OR SPECIES: Ophisternon candidum OR SPECIES: Paragalaxias dissimilis OR SPECIES: Paragalaxias eleotroides OR SPECIES: Pristis clavata OR SPECIES: Pristis pristis OR SPECIES: Pristis zijsron OR SPECIES: Prototroctes maraena OR SPECIES: Pseudomugil mellis OR SPECIES: Rhincodon typus OR SPECIES: Geocrinia vitellina OR SPECIES: Heleioporus australiacus OR SPECIES: Litoria aurea OR SPECIES: Litoria littlejohni OR SPECIES: Litoria olongburensis OR SPECIES: Litoria piperata OR SPECIES: Litoria raniformis OR SUBSPECIES: Litoria verreauxii alpina OR SPECIES: Mixophyes balbus OR SPECIES: Pseudophryne covacevichae OR SPECIES: Acanthophis hawkei OR SPECIES: Anomalopus mackayi OR SPECIES: Aprasia parapulchella OR SPECIES: Aprasia pseudopulchella OR UNRANKED: Aprasia rostrata rostrata OR SPECIES: Chelonia mydas OR SPECIES: Christinus guentheri OR SPECIES: Ctenophorus yinnietharra OR SPECIES: Ctenotus angusticeps OR SPECIES: Ctenotus lancelini OR SPECIES: Ctenotus zastictus OR SPECIES: Delma impar OR SPECIES: Delma mitella OR SPECIES: Delma torquata OR SPECIES: Denisonia maculata OR SPECIES: Egernia rugosa OR SPECIES: Eretmochelys imbricata OR SPECIES: Furina dunmalli OR SPECIES: Hoplocephalus bungaroides OR SPECIES: Lerista vittata OR SUBSPECIES: Liasis olivaceus barroni OR SPECIES: Liopholis kintorei OR SUBSPECIES: Liopholis pulchra longicauda OR SPECIES: Natator depressus OR SPECIES: Niveoscincus palfreymani OR SUBSPECIES: Notechis scutatus ater OR SPECIES: Oligosoma lichenigera OR SPECIES: Ophidiocephalus taeniatus OR SPECIES: Ramphotyphlops exocoeti OR SPECIES: Rheodytes leukops OR SPECIES: Coeranoscincus reticulatus OR SPECIES: Uvidicolus sphyrurus OR SPECIES: Wollumbinia belli OR SUBSPECIES: Acanthiza (Geobasileus) iredalei rosinae OR SUBSPECIES: Amytornis (Cryptamytis) merrotsyi merrotsyi OR SPECIES: Amytornis (Amytornis) modestus OR SUBSPECIES: Amytornis (Amytornis) textilis myall OR SPECIES: Amytornis (Magnamytis) woodwardi OR SUBSPECIES: Anous tenuirostris melanops OR SUBSPECIES: Calyptorhynchus (Calyptorhynchus) banksii naso OR SUBSPECIES: Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea OR SUBSPECIES: Charadrius (Charadrius) leschenaultii leschenaultii OR SPECIES: Diomedea antipodensis OR SUBSPECIES: Diomedea antipodensis gibsoni OR SPECIES: Diomedea epomophora OR SPECIES: Diomedea exulans OR SPECIES: Erythrotriorchis radiatus OR SUBSPECIES: Falcunculus frontatus whitei OR SUBSPECIES: Fregetta grallaria grallaria OR SUBSPECIES: Geophaps (Geophaps) scripta scripta OR SUBSPECIES: Geophaps (Geophaps) smithii blaauwi OR SUBSPECIES: Geophaps (Geophaps) smithii smithii OR SPECIES: Grantiella picta OR SPECIES: Halobaena caerulea OR SPECIES: Leipoa ocellata OR SUBSPECIES: Leucocarbo atriceps nivalis OR SUBSPECIES: Leucocarbo atriceps purpurascens OR SUBSPECIES: Limosa lapponica baueri OR SPECIES: Macronectes halli OR SUBSPECIES: Malurus (Musciparus) leucopterus edouardi OR SUBSPECIES: Malurus (Musciparus) leucopterus leucopterus OR SUBSPECIES: Mirafra (Mirafra) javanica melvillensis OR SPECIES: Ninox (Ninox) natalis OR SUBSPECIES: Pachycephala (Pachycephala) pectoralis xanthoprocta OR SPECIES: Pachycephala (Timixos) rufogularis OR SUBSPECIES: Pachyptila turtur subantarctica OR SPECIES: Petroica (Petroica) multicolor OR SPECIES: Phoebetria fusca OR SUBSPECIES: Platycercus (Platycercus) caledonicus brownii OR SPECIES: Polytelis alexandrae OR SUBSPECIES: Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides OR SPECIES: Polytelis swainsonii OR SUBSPECIES: Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi OR SUBSPECIES: Psophodes (Phodopses) nigrogularis leucogaster OR SPECIES: Pterodroma mollis OR SUBSPECIES: Pterodroma (Hallstroma) neglecta neglecta OR SUBSPECIES: Sterna (Sterna) vittata vittata OR SUBSPECIES: Sternula nereis nereis OR SUBSPECIES: Stipiturus malachurus parimeda OR SUBSPECIES: Strepera (Strepera) fuliginosa colei OR SUBSPECIES: Strepera (Strepera) graculina crissalis OR SPECIES: Thalassarche bulleri OR SUBSPECIES: Thalassarche bulleri platei OR SPECIES: Thalassarche carteri OR SUBSPECIES: Thalassarche cauta cauta OR SUBSPECIES: Thalassarche cauta steadi OR SPECIES: Thalassarche impavida OR SPECIES: Thalassarche melanophris OR SPECIES: Thalassarche salvini OR UNRANKED: Thinornis rubricollis rubricollis OR SPECIES: Turnix (Austroturnix) melanogaster OR SUBSPECIES: Turnix (Austroturnix) varius scintillans OR UNRANKED: Tyto novaehollandiae castanops (Tasmanian population) OR SUBSPECIES: Tyto (Megastrix) novaehollandiae kimberli OR SUBSPECIES: Zoothera (Zoothera) lunulata halmaturina OR SPECIES: Antechinus bellus OR SUBSPECIES: Antechinus minimus maritimus OR SPECIES: Balaenoptera borealis OR SPECIES: Balaenoptera physalus OR SPECIES: Bettongia lesueur OR SUBSPECIES: Bettongia lesueur lesueur OR SPECIES: Chalinolobus dwyeri OR SPECIES: Conilurus penicillatus OR SPECIES: Dasycercus cristicauda OR SPECIES: Dasyuroides byrnei OR SPECIES: Dasyurus geoffroii OR SPECIES: Hipposideros semoni OR SUBSPECIES: Isoodon auratus auratus OR SUBSPECIES: Isoodon auratus barrowensis OR UNRANKED: Isoodon obesulus nauticus OR SUBSPECIES: Lagorchestes conspicillatus conspicillatus OR SUBSPECIES: Lagorchestes hirsutus dorreae OR SUBSPECIES: Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus OR SPECIES: Leporillus conditor OR SPECIES: Macroderma gigas OR SPECIES: Macrotis lagotis OR SUBSPECIES: Mastacomys fuscus mordicus OR SPECIES: Megaptera novaeangliae OR SUBSPECIES: Mesembriomys gouldii melvillensis OR SUBSPECIES: Mesembriomys gouldii rattoides OR SPECIES: Mesembriomys macrurus OR SPECIES: Mirounga leonina OR SPECIES: Neophoca cinerea OR SPECIES: Notomys aquilo OR SPECIES: Notomys fuscus OR SPECIES: Nyctophilus corbeni) OR ( SUBSPECIES: Osphranter robustus isabellinus OR UNRANKED: Perameles gunnii gunnii OR SPECIES: Petauroides volans OR UNRANKED: Petaurus australis Wet Tropics subspecies OR SPECIES: Petrogale lateralis OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale lateralis hacketti OR SPECIES: Petrogale penicillata OR SPECIES: Petrogale sharmani OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale xanthopus celeris OR SUBSPECIES: Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus OR SPECIES: Phascogale calura OR SPECIES: Phascogale pirata OR SUBSPECIES: Phascogale tapoatafa kimberleyensis OR SPECIES: Phascolarctos cinereus OR SUBSPECIES: Potorous tridactylus tridactylus OR SPECIES: Pseudantechinus mimulus OR SPECIES: Pseudomys australis OR SPECIES: Pseudomys fieldi OR SPECIES: Pseudomys novaehollandiae OR SUBSPECIES: Pseudomys delicatulus pumilus OR SPECIES: Pteropus conspicillatus OR SPECIES: Pteropus poliocephalus OR SPECIES: Rhinolophus robertsi OR SPECIES: Rhinonicteris aurantia OR SUBSPECIES: Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus OR SPECIES: Setonix brachyurus OR SPECIES: Sminthopsis butleri OR SPECIES: Sminthopsis douglasi OR SUBSPECIES: Vombatus ursinus ursinus OR SPECIES: Xeromys myoides OR SPECIES: Zyzomys maini OR SPECIES: Astacopsis gouldi OR SPECIES: Bertmainius colonus OR SPECIES: Engaeus orramakunna OR SPECIES: Engaeus yabbimunna OR SPECIES: Hoplogonus simsoni OR SPECIES: Hoplogonus vanderschoori OR SPECIES: Idiosoma nigrum OR SPECIES: Kumonga exleyi OR SPECIES: Megascolides australis OR SUBSPECIES: Oreisplanus munionga larana OR SPECIES: Paralucia spinifera OR SPECIES: Parvulastra vivipara OR SPECIES: Westralunio carteri OR SPECIES: Centrophorus harrissoni OR SPECIES: Centrophorus zeehaani OR SPECIES: Galeorhinus galeus OR SPECIES: Hoplostethus atlanticus OR SPECIES: Rexea solandri OR SPECIES: Seriolella brama OR SPECIES: Sphyrna lewini OR SPECIES: Thunnus maccoyii OR SPECIES: Abutilon julianae OR SUBSPECIES: Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa OR SPECIES: Acacia equisetifolia OR SPECIES: Acacia leptoneura OR SPECIES: Acacia purpureopetala OR SPECIES: Acacia unguicula OR SPECIES: Acanthocladium dockeri OR SPECIES: Achyranthes arborescens OR SPECIES: Achyranthes margaretarum OR SPECIES: Andersonia annelsii OR SPECIES: Androcalva bivillosa OR SPECIES: Asplenium listeri OR SPECIES: Atalaya brevialata OR SPECIES: Austrostipa jacobsiana OR SPECIES: Azorella macquariensis OR SPECIES: Banksia anatona OR SPECIES: Banksia aurantia OR SPECIES: Banksia fuscobractea OR SUBSPECIES: Banksia serratuloides subsp. perissa OR SPECIES: Banksia vincentia OR SPECIES: Bossiaea fragrans OR SPECIES: Brachychiton sp. Ormeau (L.H.Bird AQ435851) OR SPECIES: Brachyscias verecundus OR SPECIES: Caladenia actensis OR SPECIES: Caladenia anthracina OR SPECIES: Caladenia attenuata OR SPECIES: Caladenia campbellii OR SPECIES: Caladenia cremna OR SPECIES: Caladenia intuta OR SPECIES: Caladenia lindleyana OR SPECIES: Caladenia lodgeana OR SPECIES: Caladenia luteola OR SPECIES: Caladenia melanema OR SPECIES: Caladenia pallida OR SPECIES: Caladenia procera OR SPECIES: Caladenia pumila OR SPECIES: Caladenia saggicola OR SPECIES: Caladenia sp. Kilsyth South (G.S.Lorimer 1253) OR SPECIES: Caladenia sylvicola OR SPECIES: Caladenia tonellii OR SPECIES: Calectasia cyanea OR SPECIES: Callistemon megalongensis OR SPECIES: Callistemon purpurascens OR SPECIES: Callistemon wimmerensis OR SPECIES: Calochilus cupreus OR SPECIES: Calystegia affinis OR SPECIES: Cassinia tegulata OR SPECIES: Clematis dubia OR SPECIES: Commersonia apella OR SPECIES: Conospermum galeatum OR SUBSPECIES: Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys OR SPECIES: Corunastylis ectopa OR SPECIES: Genoplesium firthii OR SPECIES: Corunastylis insignis OR SPECIES: Corunastylis littoralis OR SPECIES: Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven OR SPECIES: Corybas sulcatus OR SPECIES: Darwinia foetida OR SPECIES: Dasymalla axillaris OR SPECIES: Daviesia glossosema OR SPECIES: Daviesia ovata OR SPECIES: Diuris flavescens OR SUBSPECIES: Duma horrida subsp. abdita OR SPECIES: Eidothea hardeniana OR SPECIES: Elatostema montanum OR SUBSPECIES: Anthosachne multiflora subsp. kingiana OR SPECIES: Epacris graniticola OR SPECIES: Epacris limbata OR SPECIES: Epacris stuartii OR SPECIES: Eremophila koobabbiensis OR SPECIES: Eremophila rostrata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus recurva OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus notabilis OR SPECIES: Euphorbia norfolkiana OR SPECIES: Euphrasia arguta OR SPECIES: Euphrasia fragosa OR SUBSPECIES: Euphrasia gibbsiae subsp. psilantherea OR SPECIES: Galium antarcticum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium argyrotrichum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium diabolophyllum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium luteifolium OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium vestitum OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea brachystylis subsp. grandis OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea bracteosa subsp. howatharra OR SPECIES: Grevillea caleyi OR UNRANKED: Grevillea sp. Gillingarra (R.J. Cranfield 4087) PN OR SPECIES: Grevillea thelemanniana OR SPECIES: Guichenotia seorsiflora OR SPECIES: Gyrostemon reticulatus OR SPECIES: Haloragis platycarpa OR SPECIES: Hemigenia ramosissima OR SPECIES: Hibbertia abyssus OR SPECIES: Hibbertia priceana OR SUBSPECIES: Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens OR SPECIES: Hibbertia spanantha OR SPECIES: Hibbertia tenuis OR SPECIES: Hibiscus insularis OR SPECIES: Hybanthus cymulosus OR SPECIES: Isopogon robustus OR SPECIES: Keraudrenia exastia OR SPECIES: Lasiopetalum sp. Proston (J.A.Baker 17) OR SPECIES: Latrobea colophona OR SPECIES: Lepidorrhachis mooreana OR SPECIES: Leucopogon sp. Flynn (F.Hort, J.Hort & A.Lowrie 859) OR SPECIES: Leucopogon spectabilis OR SPECIES: Lomatia tasmanica OR SPECIES: Lysiosepalum abollatum OR SPECIES: Melicytus latifolius OR SPECIES: Meryta latifolia OR SPECIES: Myoporum obscurum OR SPECIES: Nematoceras dienemum OR SPECIES: Notelaea ipsviciensis OR SPECIES: Oberonia attenuata OR SPECIES: Paragoodia crenulata OR SPECIES: Persoonia pauciflora OR SPECIES: Phebalium daviesii OR SPECIES: Phebalium distans OR SPECIES: Philotheca falcata OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus squarrosus OR SPECIES: Phreatia limenophylax OR SUBSPECIES: Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora OR SPECIES: Pneumatopteris truncata OR SPECIES: Pomaderris delicata OR SPECIES: Pomaderris reperta OR SPECIES: Pomaderris vacciniifolia OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum atratum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum bagoense OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum castaneum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum favonium OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum incorrectum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum innubum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum keltonii OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum laxum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum limnetes OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum milfordense OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum murfetii OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum olidum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum perangustum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum pulchellum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum robustum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum sp. Wybong (C.Phelps ORG 5269) OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum stellatum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum taphanyx OR SPECIES: Prostanthera albohirta OR SPECIES: Prostanthera clotteniana OR SPECIES: Prostanthera marifolia OR SPECIES: Pterostylis bryophila OR SPECIES: Pterostylis commutata) OR ( SPECIES: Pterostylis oreophila OR SPECIES: Pterostylis psammophila OR SPECIES: Pterostylis valida OR SPECIES: Pterostylis vernalis OR SPECIES: Pterostylis wapstrarum OR SPECIES: Ptilotus pyramidatus OR SPECIES: Pultenaea sp. Genowlan Point (NSW 417813) OR SPECIES: Reedia spathacea OR SPECIES: Scaevola macrophylla OR SPECIES: Sphaerolobium acanthos OR SPECIES: Stylidium applanatum OR SPECIES: Stylidium semaphorum OR SPECIES: Styphelia longissima OR SPECIES: Synaphea sp. Fairbridge Farm (D.Papenfus 696) OR SPECIES: Synaphea sp. Pinjarra (R.Davis 6578) OR UNRANKED: Synaphea sp. Serpentine (G.R. Brand 103) OR SPECIES: Tetratheca gunnii OR SPECIES: Tetratheca nephelioides OR SPECIES: Thelymitra adorata OR SPECIES: Thelymitra cyanapicata OR SPECIES: Thelymitra hygrophila OR SPECIES: Thelymitra kangaloonica OR SUBSPECIES: Arthrochilus huntianus subsp. nothofagicola OR SUBSPECIES: Veronica derwentiana subsp. homalodonta OR SPECIES: Verticordia apecta OR SPECIES: Wikstroemia australis OR SPECIES: Wollemia nobilis OR SPECIES: Zieria parrisiae OR SPECIES: Acacia aprica OR SPECIES: Acacia aristulata OR SUBSPECIES: Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. magna OR SPECIES: Acacia auratiflora OR SPECIES: Acacia brachypoda OR SUBSPECIES: Acacia chapmanii subsp. australis OR SPECIES: Acacia cretacea OR SPECIES: Acacia enterocarpa OR SPECIES: Acacia gordonii OR SPECIES: Acacia imitans OR SUBSPECIES: Acacia insolita subsp. recurva OR SPECIES: Acacia lanuginophylla OR SPECIES: Acacia leptalea OR SPECIES: Acacia lobulata OR SPECIES: Acacia meiantha OR SPECIES: Acacia pharangites OR SPECIES: Acacia pinguifolia OR SPECIES: Acacia porcata OR SPECIES: Acacia pygmaea OR SPECIES: Acacia recurvata OR SPECIES: Acacia rhamphophylla OR SPECIES: Acacia ruppii OR SPECIES: Acacia sciophanes OR SPECIES: Acacia spilleriana OR SPECIES: Acacia splendens OR SUBSPECIES: Acacia subflexuosa subsp. capillata OR SPECIES: Acacia vassalii OR SPECIES: Acacia volubilis OR SPECIES: Acacia whibleyana OR SPECIES: Acacia wilsonii OR SPECIES: Acronychia littoralis OR SPECIES: Adenanthos dobagii OR SPECIES: Adenanthos eyrei OR SUBSPECIES: Adenanthos pungens subsp. effusus OR SPECIES: Adenanthos velutinus OR SPECIES: Alectryon ramiflorus OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina defungens OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina thalassoscopica OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina glareicola OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina portuensis OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina robusta OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina thalassoscopica OR SPECIES: Amyema plicatula OR SPECIES: Andersonia axilliflora OR SPECIES: Andersonia gracilis OR SPECIES: Androcalva rosea OR SUBSPECIES: Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor OR SPECIES: Aponogeton bullosus OR SPECIES: Aponogeton prolifer OR SPECIES: Archontophoenix myolensis OR SPECIES: Aristida granitica OR SPECIES: Asterolasia elegans OR SPECIES: Astrotricha roddii OR SPECIES: Atalaya collina OR SPECIES: Atriplex yeelirrie OR SPECIES: Austrostipa bronwenae OR SPECIES: Austrostipa wakoolica OR SPECIES: Baeckea kandos OR SPECIES: Ballantinia antipoda OR SPECIES: Banksia brownii OR SPECIES: Banksia cuneata OR SPECIES: Banksia ionthocarpa OR SPECIES: Banksia mimica OR SPECIES: Banksia montana OR SUBSPECIES: Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa OR SPECIES: Banksia oligantha OR SPECIES: Banksia pseudoplumosa OR SUBSPECIES: Banksia rufa subsp. pumila OR SPECIES: Barbarea australis OR SPECIES: Bertya granitica OR SPECIES: Bertya ingramii OR SPECIES: Beyeria lepidopetala OR SPECIES: Blechnum norfolkianum OR SPECIES: Boronia clavata OR SPECIES: Boronia exilis OR SPECIES: Boronia granitica OR SPECIES: Boronia repanda OR SPECIES: Boronia revoluta OR SPECIES: Borya mirabilis OR SPECIES: Bossiaea peninsularis OR SPECIES: Brachyscome muelleri OR SPECIES: Burmannia sp. Bathurst Island (R.Fensham 1021) OR SPECIES: Cajanus mareebensis OR SPECIES: Caladenia amoena OR SPECIES: Caladenia arenaria OR SPECIES: Caladenia argocalla OR SPECIES: Caladenia atroclavia OR SPECIES: Caladenia audasii OR SPECIES: Caladenia barbarella OR SPECIES: Caladenia behrii OR SPECIES: Caladenia busselliana OR SUBSPECIES: Caladenia caesarea subsp. maritima OR SPECIES: Caladenia colorata OR SPECIES: Caladenia conferta OR SPECIES: Caladenia dienema OR SPECIES: Caladenia dorrienii OR SPECIES: Caladenia drakeoides OR SPECIES: Caladenia elegans OR SPECIES: Caladenia excelsa OR SPECIES: Caladenia fulva OR SPECIES: Caladenia gladiolata OR SPECIES: Caladenia granitora OR SPECIES: Caladenia hastata OR SPECIES: Caladenia hoffmanii OR SPECIES: Caladenia hopperiana OR SPECIES: Caladenia huegelii OR SPECIES: Caladenia leucochila OR SPECIES: Caladenia lowanensis OR SPECIES: Caladenia macroclavia OR SPECIES: Caladenia orientalis OR SPECIES: Caladenia richardsiorum OR SPECIES: Caladenia rigida OR SPECIES: Caladenia robinsonii OR SPECIES: Caladenia rosella OR SPECIES: Caladenia tensa OR SPECIES: Caladenia thysanochila OR SPECIES: Caladenia viridescens OR SPECIES: Caladenia williamsiae OR SPECIES: Caladenia winfieldii OR SPECIES: Caladenia xanthochila OR SPECIES: Caladenia xantholeuca OR SPECIES: Calochilus psednus OR SPECIES: Calochilus richiae OR SPECIES: Calotis moorei OR SPECIES: Carronia pedicellata OR SPECIES: Centrolepis pedderensis OR SPECIES: Chamelaucium sp. Gingin (N.G.Marchant 6) OR SPECIES: Chingia australis OR SPECIES: Chordifex abortivus OR SPECIES: Chorizema humile OR SPECIES: Chorizema varium OR SPECIES: Commersonia erythrogyna OR SPECIES: Commersonia prostrata OR SUBSPECIES: Conospermum densiflorum subsp. unicephalatum OR SUBSPECIES: Conostylis dielsii subsp. teres OR SPECIES: Conostylis drummondii OR SPECIES: Conostylis lepidospermoides OR SPECIES: Conostylis micrantha OR SPECIES: Conostylis misera OR SUBSPECIES: Conostylis seorsiflora subsp. trichophylla OR SPECIES: Conostylis wonganensis OR SPECIES: Coopernookia georgei OR SPECIES: Coprosma baueri OR SPECIES: Coprosma pilosa OR SPECIES: Corchorus cunninghamii OR SPECIES: Correa eburnea OR VARIETY: Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis OR SPECIES: Genoplesium brachystachyum OR SPECIES: Cossinia australiana OR SPECIES: Craspedia preminghana OR SPECIES: Crepidium lawleri OR SPECIES: Cyathea exilis OR SPECIES: Cycas megacarpa OR SPECIES: Cycas ophiolitica OR SPECIES: Cynanchum elegans OR SPECIES: Cyperus cephalotes OR SUBSPECIES: Cyphanthera odgersii subsp. occidentalis OR SPECIES: Daphnandra johnsonii OR SPECIES: Darwinia acerosa OR SPECIES: Darwinia apiculata OR SPECIES: Darwinia carnea OR SPECIES: Darwinia chapmaniana OR SPECIES: Darwinia collina OR SPECIES: Darwinia ferricola OR SPECIES: Darwinia oxylepis OR SPECIES: Darwinia polychroma OR SPECIES: Darwinia whicherensis OR SPECIES: Darwinia wittwerorum OR SPECIES: Davidsonia jerseyana OR SPECIES: Davidsonia johnsonii OR SPECIES: Daviesia bursarioides OR SPECIES: Daviesia cunderdin) OR ( SPECIES: Daviesia dielsii OR SPECIES: Daviesia euphorbioides OR SPECIES: Daviesia megacalyx OR SPECIES: Daviesia microcarpa OR SPECIES: Daviesia obovata OR SPECIES: Daviesia pseudaphylla OR SPECIES: Daviesia speciosa OR SPECIES: Decaspermum struckoilicum OR SPECIES: Ceratobium antennatum OR SPECIES: Dendrobium brachypus OR SPECIES: Durabaculum mirbelianum OR SPECIES: Durabaculum nindii OR SPECIES: Deyeuxia appressa OR SPECIES: Deyeuxia drummondii OR SPECIES: Dianella amoena OR SPECIES: Dichanthium queenslandicum OR SPECIES: Diospyros mabacea OR SPECIES: Diplazium pallidum OR SPECIES: Diploglottis campbellii OR SPECIES: Diplolaena andrewsii OR SPECIES: Dipodium campanulatum OR SPECIES: Dipodium pictum OR SPECIES: Diuris basaltica OR SPECIES: Diuris eborensis OR SPECIES: Diuris fragrantissima OR SPECIES: Diuris lanceolata OR SPECIES: Diuris pedunculata OR SPECIES: Diuris purdiei OR SPECIES: Dodonaea subglandulifera OR SPECIES: Drakaea confluens OR SPECIES: Drakaea elastica OR SPECIES: Drakaea isolata OR SPECIES: Drummondita ericoides OR SPECIES: Elaeocarpus sedentarius OR SPECIES: Elaeocarpus williamsianus OR SPECIES: Endiandra cooperana OR SPECIES: Endiandra floydii OR SPECIES: Epacris apsleyensis OR SPECIES: Epacris barbata OR SPECIES: Epacris exserta OR SPECIES: Epacris glabella OR SPECIES: Epacris grandis OR SPECIES: Epacris hamiltonii OR SPECIES: Epacris virgata OR SPECIES: Eremochloa muricata OR SPECIES: Eremophila ciliata OR SUBSPECIES: Eremophila denticulata subsp. trisulcata OR SUBSPECIES: Eremophila glabra subsp. chlorella OR SPECIES: Eremophila lactea OR SPECIES: Eremophila nivea OR SPECIES: Eremophila pinnatifida OR SPECIES: Eremophila resinosa OR SPECIES: Eremophila scaberula OR SPECIES: Eremophila subteretifolia OR SPECIES: Eremophila ternifolia OR SPECIES: Eremophila verticillata OR SPECIES: Eremophila virens OR SPECIES: Eremophila viscida OR SPECIES: Eriocaulon australasicum OR SPECIES: Eriocaulon carsonii OR SPECIES: Eryngium fontanum OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus absita OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. limaensis OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus brevipes OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus burdettiana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus canobolensis OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus conglomerata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus copulans OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus crenulata OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus crucis subsp. praecipua OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus cuprea OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus dolorosa OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus imlayensis OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus impensa OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus insularis OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus largeana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus leprophloia OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus macarthurii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus morrisbyi OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. banyabba OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus paludicola OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus pruiniramis OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus recta OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus sp. Howes Swamp Creek (M.Doherty 26) OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus x balanites OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus x phylacis OR SUBSPECIES: Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri OR SUBSPECIES: Euphrasia collina subsp. osbornii OR SPECIES: Euphrasia semipicta OR SPECIES: Euphrasia sp. Bivouac Bay (W.R.Barker 7626 et al.) OR SPECIES: Fimbristylis adjuncta OR SPECIES: Fontainea oraria OR SPECIES: Frankenia conferta OR SPECIES: Frankenia parvula OR SPECIES: Frankenia plicata OR SPECIES: Gardenia actinocarpa OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium glaucum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium graniticum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium hamulosum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium humile OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium papilio OR SPECIES: Geniostoma huttonii OR SPECIES: Genoplesium baueri OR SPECIES: Genoplesium plumosum OR SPECIES: Genoplesium rhyoliticum OR SPECIES: Genoplesium tectum OR SPECIES: Gentiana baeuerlenii OR SPECIES: Gentiana wingecarribiensis OR SPECIES: Gingidia rupicola OR SPECIES: Glyceria drummondii OR SPECIES: Goodenia arthrotricha OR SPECIES: Gossia fragrantissima OR SPECIES: Gossia gonoclada OR SPECIES: Graptophyllum reticulatum OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea acanthifolia subsp. paludosa OR SPECIES: Grevillea althoferorum OR SPECIES: Grevillea batrachioides OR SPECIES: Grevillea beadleana OR SPECIES: Grevillea calliantha OR SPECIES: Grevillea christineae OR SPECIES: Grevillea corrugata OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea curviloba subsp. incurva OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea dryandroides subsp. hirsuta OR SPECIES: Grevillea guthrieana OR SPECIES: Grevillea humifusa OR SPECIES: Grevillea iaspicula OR SPECIES: Grevillea infundibularis OR SPECIES: Grevillea involucrata OR SPECIES: Grevillea maccutcheonii OR SPECIES: Grevillea masonii OR SPECIES: Grevillea maxwellii OR SPECIES: Grevillea mollis OR SPECIES: Grevillea molyneuxii OR SPECIES: Grevillea murex OR SPECIES: Grevillea obtusiflora OR SPECIES: Grevillea pythara OR SPECIES: Grevillea rara OR SPECIES: Grevillea rivularis OR SPECIES: Grevillea scapigera OR SPECIES: Grevillea wilkinsonii OR SPECIES: Habenaria maccraithii OR SPECIES: Hakea dohertyi OR SPECIES: Hakea pulvinifera OR SPECIES: Haloragis eyreana OR SPECIES: Haloragodendron lucasii OR SPECIES: Helicteres macrothrix OR SPECIES: Hemiandra gardneri OR SPECIES: Hemiandra rutilans OR SPECIES: Hibbertia basaltica OR SPECIES: Homoranthus decumbens OR SPECIES: Hypocalymma sylvestre OR SPECIES: Hypolepis distans OR SPECIES: Indigofera efoliata OR SPECIES: Irenepharsus trypherus OR SPECIES: Isoglossa eranthemoides OR SPECIES: Isopogon uncinatus OR SPECIES: Jacksonia pungens OR SPECIES: Jacksonia quairading OR SPECIES: Jacksonia velveta OR SPECIES: Kennedia lateritia OR SPECIES: Lachnagrostis adamsonii OR SPECIES: Lachnagrostis limitanea OR SUBSPECIES: Lambertia echinata subsp. occidentalis OR SPECIES: Lambertia fairallii OR SPECIES: Lambertia orbifolia OR SPECIES: Lasiopetalum pterocarpum OR SPECIES: Lasiopetalum rotundifolium OR SPECIES: Lastreopsis calantha OR SPECIES: Lechenaultia laricina OR SPECIES: Leionema equestre OR SPECIES: Leionema lachnaeoides OR SPECIES: Lepidium hyssopifolium OR SPECIES: Lepidium monoplocoides OR SPECIES: Lepidium peregrinum OR SPECIES: Lepidosperma rostratum OR SPECIES: Leucopogon confertus OR SPECIES: Leucopogon gnaphalioides OR SPECIES: Leucopogon marginatus OR SPECIES: Leucopogon nitidus OR SPECIES: Leucopogon obtectus OR SPECIES: Leucopogon sp. Coolmunda (D.Halford Q1635) OR SPECIES: Lychnothamnus barbatus OR SPECIES: Macadamia jansenii OR SPECIES: Macarthuria keigheryi OR SPECIES: Macrozamia cranei OR SPECIES: Macrozamia lomandroides OR SPECIES: Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi OR SPECIES: Macrozamia platyrhachis OR SPECIES: Ptisana oreades OR SPECIES: Marianthus paralius OR SPECIES: Melaleuca sciotostyla OR SPECIES: Melichrus sp. Gibberagee (Benwell 97239) OR SPECIES: Melichrus sp. Newfoundland State Forest (P.Gilmour 7852) OR SPECIES: Microcarpaea agonis OR SPECIES: Micromyrtus grandis OR SPECIES: Microtis angusii OR SPECIES: Muehlenbeckia australis OR SPECIES: Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong OR SPECIES: Myoporum turbinatum) OR ( SPECIES: Myriophyllum lapidicola OR SPECIES: Myrsine richmondensis OR SPECIES: Ochrosia moorei OR SPECIES: Olearia arckaringensis OR SPECIES: Olearia flocktoniae OR SPECIES: Olearia hygrophila OR SPECIES: Olearia microdisca OR SPECIES: Ornduffia calthifolia OR SPECIES: Pandanus spiralis OR SPECIES: Paracaleana dixonii OR SPECIES: Parsonsia dorrigoensis OR SPECIES: Patersonia spirifolia OR SPECIES: Pelargonium sp. Striatellum (G.W.Carr 10345) OR SPECIES: Pennantia endlicheri OR SPECIES: Persoonia hirsuta OR SPECIES: Persoonia micranthera OR SUBSPECIES: Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima OR SPECIES: Persoonia nutans OR SPECIES: Petrophile latericola OR SPECIES: Phaius australis OR SPECIES: Phaius bernaysii OR SPECIES: Phalaenopsis rosenstromii OR SPECIES: Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii OR SPECIES: Philotheca basistyla OR SPECIES: Philotheca freyciana OR SPECIES: Philotheca wonganensis OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus carinatus OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus dalhousieanus OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus filiformis OR SPECIES: Phreatia paleata OR SPECIES: Pimelea spicata OR SPECIES: Pimelea venosa OR SPECIES: Pityrodia scabra OR SPECIES: Pityrodia sp. Marble Bar (G.Woodman & D.Coultas GWDS Opp 4) OR SPECIES: Planchonella costata OR SPECIES: Planchonella eerwah OR SPECIES: Plectranthus habrophyllus OR SPECIES: Plectranthus nitidus OR SPECIES: Plectranthus omissus OR SPECIES: Plectranthus torrenticola OR SPECIES: Plesioneuron tuberculatum OR SPECIES: Polyphlebium endlicherianum OR SPECIES: Polystichum moorei OR SPECIES: Pomaderris cocoparrana OR SPECIES: Pomaderris cotoneaster OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum affine OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum amoenum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum apoxychilum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum correctum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum crebriflorum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum diversiflorum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum frenchii OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum goldsackii OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum petilum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum pruinosum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum secutum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum suaveolens OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum subbisectum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum tunbridgense OR SPECIES: Prostanthera askania OR SPECIES: Prostanthera eurybioides OR SPECIES: Prostanthera junonis OR SPECIES: Pteris kingiana OR SPECIES: Pteris zahlbruckneriana OR SPECIES: Pterostylis x aenigma OR SPECIES: Pterostylis basaltica OR SPECIES: Pterostylis despectans OR SPECIES: Pterostylis gibbosa OR SPECIES: Pterostylis lepida OR SPECIES: Pterostylis rubenachii OR SPECIES: Pterostylis saxicola OR SPECIES: Pterostylis sinuata OR SPECIES: Pterostylis sp. Botany Bay (A.Bishop J221/1-13) OR SPECIES: Pterostylis sp. Hale (R.Bates 21725) OR SPECIES: Pultenaea elusa OR SPECIES: Pultenaea trichophylla OR SPECIES: Randia moorei OR SPECIES: Ranunculus prasinus OR SPECIES: Rhizanthella gardneri OR SPECIES: Rhizanthella slateri OR SPECIES: Ricinocarpos brevis OR SPECIES: Ricinocarpos trichophorus OR SPECIES: Roycea pycnophylloides OR SPECIES: Sagina diemensis OR SPECIES: Samadera sp. Moonee Creek (J.King s.n. Nov. 1949) OR SPECIES: Sankowskya stipularis OR SUBSPECIES: Schoenia filifolia subsp. subulifolia OR SPECIES: Sclerolaena napiformis OR SPECIES: Senecio behrianus OR SPECIES: Senecio evansianus OR SPECIES: Solanum dissectum OR SPECIES: Solanum johnsonianum OR SPECIES: Solanum sulphureum OR SPECIES: Sphenotoma drummondii OR SPECIES: Spirogardnera rubescens OR SPECIES: Spyridium furculentum OR SPECIES: Spyridium lawrencei OR SPECIES: Stonesiella selaginoides OR SPECIES: Streblus pendulinus OR SPECIES: Stylidium coroniforme OR SPECIES: Stylidium ensatum OR SPECIES: Swainsona recta OR SPECIES: Symonanthus bancroftii OR SPECIES: Synaphea quartzitica OR UNRANKED: Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain (A.S. George 17182) OR SPECIES: Synaphea stenoloba OR SPECIES: Tectaria devexa OR SPECIES: Tetratheca deltoidea OR SPECIES: Tetratheca paynterae OR SPECIES: Thelymitra dedmaniarum OR SPECIES: Thelymitra epipactoides OR SPECIES: Thelymitra jonesii OR SPECIES: Thelymitra stellata OR SPECIES: Thomasia sp. Green Hill (S.Paust 1322) OR SPECIES: Toechima pterocarpum OR SPECIES: Toechima sp. East Alligator (J.Russell-Smith 8418) OR SPECIES: Trachymene scapigera OR SPECIES: Triplarina imbricata OR SPECIES: Triplarina nowraensis OR SPECIES: Trithuria occidentalis OR SPECIES: Triunia robusta OR SPECIES: Tylophora linearis OR SPECIES: Tylophora rupicola OR SPECIES: Tylophora woollsii OR SPECIES: Typhonium jonesii OR SPECIES: Typhonium mirabile OR SPECIES: Typhonium taylori OR SPECIES: Uromyrtus australis OR SPECIES: Vappodes lithocola OR SPECIES: Veronica parnkalliana OR SPECIES: Verticordia albida OR VARIETY: Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata OR SPECIES: Verticordia hughanii OR SPECIES: Verticordia pityrhops OR VARIETY: Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes OR VARIETY: Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis OR SUBSPECIES: Verticordia spicata subsp. squamosa OR VARIETY: Verticordia staminosa var. cylindracea OR SPECIES: Vrydagzynea grayi OR SPECIES: Westringia crassifolia OR SPECIES: Westringia kydrensis OR SPECIES: Wurmbea calcicola OR SPECIES: Wurmbea tubulosa OR SPECIES: Xanthorrhoea bracteata OR SPECIES: Xanthostemon formosus OR SPECIES: Xerothamnella herbacea OR SPECIES: Xylopia monosperma OR SPECIES: Xylosma parvifolia OR SPECIES: Zehneria baueriana OR SPECIES: Zieria adenophora OR SPECIES: Zieria baeuerlenii OR SPECIES: Zieria bifida OR SPECIES: Zieria buxijugum OR SPECIES: Zieria covenyi OR SPECIES: Zieria floydii OR SPECIES: Zieria formosa OR SPECIES: Zieria granulata OR SPECIES: Zieria ingramii OR SPECIES: Zieria lasiocaulis OR SPECIES: Zieria obcordata OR SPECIES: Zieria prostrata OR SPECIES: Acacia ammophila OR SPECIES: Acacia anomala OR SPECIES: Acacia aphylla OR SPECIES: Acacia araneosa OR SPECIES: Acacia attenuata OR SPECIES: Acacia awestoniana OR SPECIES: Acacia axillaris OR SPECIES: Acacia bynoeana OR SPECIES: Acacia caerulescens OR SPECIES: Acacia carneorum OR SPECIES: Acacia constablei OR SPECIES: Acacia courtii OR SPECIES: Acacia crombiei OR SPECIES: Acacia curranii OR SPECIES: Acacia denticulosa OR SPECIES: Acacia depressa OR SPECIES: Acacia deuteroneura OR SPECIES: Acacia eremophiloides OR SPECIES: Acacia flocktoniae OR SPECIES: Acacia forrestiana OR SPECIES: Acacia georgensis OR SPECIES: Acacia glandulicarpa OR SPECIES: Acacia grandifolia OR SPECIES: Acacia handonis OR SPECIES: Acacia latzii OR SPECIES: Acacia lauta OR SPECIES: Acacia macnuttiana OR SPECIES: Acacia menzelii OR SPECIES: Acacia peuce OR SPECIES: Acacia phasmoides OR SPECIES: Acacia pickardii OR SPECIES: Acacia praemorsa OR SPECIES: Acacia praetermissa OR SPECIES: Acacia pubescens OR SPECIES: Acacia pubifolia OR SPECIES: Acacia pycnostachya OR SPECIES: Acacia rhetinocarpa OR SPECIES: Acacia undoolyana OR SPECIES: Acriopsis emarginata) OR ( SPECIES: Acrophyllum australe OR SPECIES: Actephila foetida OR SPECIES: Actinotus schwarzii OR SPECIES: Adenanthos ellipticus OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina fibrosa OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina simulans OR SPECIES: Allocasuarina tortiramula OR SPECIES: Alloxylon flammeum OR SPECIES: Almaleea cambagei OR SPECIES: Ammobium craspedioides OR SPECIES: Amphibromus fluitans OR SPECIES: Andersonia pinaster OR SPECIES: Androcalva procumbens OR SPECIES: Angophora inopina OR SPECIES: Angophora robur OR SUBSPECIES: Anigozanthos viridis subsp. terraspectans OR SPECIES: Anthocercis gracilis OR SPECIES: Apatophyllum olsenii OR SUBSPECIES: Apium prostratum subsp. Porongurup Range (G.J.Keighery 8631) OR SPECIES: Archidendron lovelliae OR SPECIES: Argyrotegium nitidulum OR SPECIES: Aristida annua OR SPECIES: Arthraxon hispidus OR SPECIES: Asperula asthenes OR SPECIES: Asplenium hookerianum OR SPECIES: Asplenium pellucidum OR SPECIES: Asplenium wildii OR SPECIES: Astelia australiana OR SPECIES: Asterolasia nivea OR SPECIES: Asterolasia phebalioides OR SPECIES: Astrotricha crassifolia OR SPECIES: Atriplex infrequens OR SPECIES: Austrostipa metatoris OR SPECIES: Baloghia marmorata OR SPECIES: Baloskion longipes OR SPECIES: Banksia catoglypta OR SPECIES: Banksia goodii OR VARIETY: Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla OR SUBSPECIES: Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea OR SPECIES: Banksia verticillata OR SPECIES: Bertya calycina OR SPECIES: Bertya ernestiana OR SPECIES: Bertya opponens OR SPECIES: Bertya pinifolia OR SPECIES: Beyeria subtecta OR SPECIES: Boronia adamsiana OR SPECIES: Boronia deanei OR SPECIES: Boronia galbraithiae OR SPECIES: Boronia gunnii OR SPECIES: Boronia hemichiton OR SPECIES: Boronia hippopala OR SPECIES: Boronia keysii OR SPECIES: Boronia quadrilata OR SPECIES: Boronia umbellata OR SPECIES: Boronia viridiflora OR SPECIES: Bosistoa transversa OR SPECIES: Bossiaea oligosperma OR SPECIES: Bothriochloa bunyensis OR SPECIES: Brachyscome muelleroides OR SPECIES: Brachyscome papillosa OR SPECIES: Budawangia gnidioides OR SPECIES: Bulbophyllum globuliforme OR SPECIES: Bulbophyllum gracillimum OR SPECIES: Bulbophyllum longiflorum OR SPECIES: Cadellia pentastylis OR SPECIES: Caladenia brumalis OR SUBSPECIES: Caladenia bryceana subsp. cracens OR SPECIES: Caladenia calcicola OR SPECIES: Caladenia caudata OR SPECIES: Caladenia christineae OR SPECIES: Caladenia concolor OR SPECIES: Caladenia formosa OR SPECIES: Caladenia harringtoniae OR SPECIES: Caladenia insularis OR SPECIES: Caladenia ornata OR SPECIES: Caladenia ovata OR SPECIES: Caladenia tessellata OR SPECIES: Caladenia versicolor OR SPECIES: Caladenia wanosa OR SPECIES: Caladenia woolcockiorum OR SPECIES: Calectasia pignattiana OR SPECIES: Callistemon forresterae OR SPECIES: Callistemon kenmorrisonii OR SPECIES: Callistemon pungens OR SPECIES: Callitris oblonga OR SPECIES: Calophyllum bicolor OR SPECIES: Calotis glandulosa OR SPECIES: Calytrix gurulmundensis OR SPECIES: Canarium acutifolium OR SPECIES: Capparis thozetiana OR SPECIES: Cassinia rugata OR SPECIES: Cepobaculum carronii OR SPECIES: Chamelaucium sp. Cataby (G.J.Keighery 11009) OR SPECIES: Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D.Royce 4872) OR SPECIES: Cheiranthera volubilis OR SPECIES: Clematis fawcettii OR SPECIES: Codonocarpus pyramidalis OR SPECIES: Colobanthus curtisiae OR SPECIES: Comesperma oblongatum OR SPECIES: Conospermum hookeri OR SPECIES: Conospermum undulatum OR SPECIES: Conostylis rogeri OR SPECIES: Coopernookia scabridiuscula OR SPECIES: Cordyline obtecta OR SPECIES: Corokia whiteana OR SPECIES: Correa baeuerlenii OR SPECIES: Correa calycina OR SPECIES: Corybas dentatus OR SPECIES: Corybas montanus OR SPECIES: Corymbia clandestina OR SPECIES: Corymbia leptoloma OR SPECIES: Corymbia rhodops OR SPECIES: Corymbia xanthope OR SPECIES: Cryptocarya foetida OR SPECIES: Cryptostylis hunteriana OR SPECIES: Ctenopterella blechnoides OR SPECIES: Cupaniopsis shirleyana OR SPECIES: Cupaniopsis tomentella OR SPECIES: Cycas cairnsiana OR SPECIES: Cycas platyphylla OR SPECIES: Cycas silvestris OR SPECIES: Cyclophyllum costatum OR SPECIES: Cyperus semifertilis OR SPECIES: Darwinia biflora OR SPECIES: Darwinia masonii OR SPECIES: Darwinia meeboldii OR SPECIES: Darwinia nubigena OR SPECIES: Darwinia squarrosa OR SPECIES: Daviesia discolor OR SPECIES: Daviesia laevis OR SPECIES: Vappodes bigibba OR SPECIES: Cepobaculum johannis OR SPECIES: Denhamia parvifolia OR SPECIES: Desmodium acanthocladum OR SPECIES: Deyeuxia pungens OR SPECIES: Dichanthium setosum OR SPECIES: Diplazium cordifolium OR SPECIES: Dischidia litoralis OR SPECIES: Diuris aequalis OR SPECIES: Diuris drummondii OR SPECIES: Diuris micrantha OR SPECIES: Diuris ochroma OR SPECIES: Diuris praecox OR SPECIES: Diuris venosa OR SPECIES: Dodonaea procumbens OR SPECIES: Dodonaea rupicola OR SPECIES: Drakaea concolor OR SPECIES: Drakaea micrantha OR SPECIES: Drosera prolifera OR SPECIES: Drosera schizandra OR SPECIES: Drummondita longifolia OR SPECIES: Dysoxylum bijugum OR SPECIES: Eleocharis keigheryi OR SPECIES: Eleocharis obicis OR SPECIES: Eleocharis papillosa OR SPECIES: Eleocharis retroflexa OR SPECIES: Endiandra hayesii OR SPECIES: Epacris sparsa OR SUBSPECIES: Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei OR SPECIES: Eremophila prostrata OR SPECIES: Eremophila vernicosa OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus aggregata OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. miscella OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus aquatica OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus argophloia OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus argutifolia OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus articulata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus beaniana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus beardiana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus benthamii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus cadens OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus caleyi subsp. ovendenii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus camfieldii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus ceracea OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus coronata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus crispata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus glaucina OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus hallii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus infera OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus johnsoniana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus kabiana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus kartzoffiana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus langleyi OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus lateritica OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus mckieana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus merrickiae OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus mooreana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus nicholii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus paedoglauca OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus parvula OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus platydisca OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus pulverulenta OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus pumila OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus raveretiana OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus rhodantha OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus radiata subsp. robertsonii OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus rubida subsp. barbigerorum OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus scoparia OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus steedmanii) OR ( SPECIES: Eucalyptus strzeleckii OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus suberea OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus synandra OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus tetrapleura OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus virens OR SPECIES: Eucryphia wilkiei OR SPECIES: Euphorbia carissoides OR SPECIES: Euphorbia obliqua OR SPECIES: Euphrasia amphisysepala OR SPECIES: Euphrasia bella OR SPECIES: Euphrasia bowdeniae OR SUBSPECIES: Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. glandulifera OR SPECIES: Euphrasia eichleri OR SPECIES: Euphrasia phragmostoma OR SPECIES: Floydia praealta OR SPECIES: Fontainea australis OR SPECIES: Fontainea rostrata OR SPECIES: Fontainea venosa OR SPECIES: Gardenia psidioides OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium appressum OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium lehmannii OR SPECIES: Gastrolobium modestum OR UNRANKED: Gaultheria viridicarpa J.B.Williams subsp. viridicarpa ms. OR SPECIES: Genoplesium vernale OR SPECIES: Gentiana bredboensis OR SPECIES: Gentiana wissmannii OR SPECIES: Germainia capitata OR SPECIES: Glycine latrobeana OR SPECIES: Goodenia integerrima OR SPECIES: Goodenia quadrifida OR SPECIES: Graptophyllum ilicifolium OR SPECIES: Grevillea banyabba OR SPECIES: Grevillea bedggoodiana OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea brachystylis subsp. australis OR SPECIES: Grevillea celata OR SPECIES: Grevillea elongata OR SPECIES: Grevillea evansiana OR SPECIES: Grevillea flexuosa OR SPECIES: Grevillea floripendula OR SPECIES: Grevillea glossadenia OR SPECIES: Grevillea infecunda OR SPECIES: Grevillea kennedyana OR SUBSPECIES: Grevillea montis-cole subsp. brevistyla OR SPECIES: Grevillea quadricauda OR SPECIES: Grevillea rhizomatosa OR SPECIES: Grevillea shiressii OR SPECIES: Grevillea treueriana OR SPECIES: Hakea aculeata OR SPECIES: Hakea archaeoides OR SPECIES: Hakea fraseri OR SPECIES: Hakea maconochieana OR SPECIES: Hakea megalosperma OR SPECIES: Hakea trineura OR SUBSPECIES: Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina OR SPECIES: Hensmania chapmanii OR SPECIES: Hexaspora pubescens OR SPECIES: Hibbertia crispula OR SUBSPECIES: Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis OR SUBSPECIES: Hibbertia humifusa subsp. erigens OR SPECIES: Hibbertia marginata OR SPECIES: Hibiscus brennanii OR SPECIES: Hibiscus cravenii OR SPECIES: Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia OR SPECIES: Homopholis belsonii OR SPECIES: Homoranthus darwinioides OR SPECIES: Homoranthus lunatus OR SPECIES: Homoranthus montanus OR SPECIES: Homoranthus porteri OR SPECIES: Homoranthus prolixus OR SUBSPECIES: Hoya australis subsp. oramicola OR SPECIES: Hydriastele costata OR SPECIES: Hypocalymma longifolium OR SPECIES: Hypolepis dicksonioides OR SPECIES: Ileostylus micranthus OR SPECIES: Isopogon fletcheri OR SUBSPECIES: Ixodia achillaeoides subsp. arenicola OR SPECIES: Kardomia granitica OR SPECIES: Kelleria bogongensis OR SPECIES: Kennedia glabrata OR SPECIES: Kennedia retrorsa OR SPECIES: Kunzea cambagei OR SUBSPECIES: Kunzea ericifolia subsp. subulata OR SPECIES: Kunzea rupestris OR SPECIES: Lasiopetalum joyceae OR SPECIES: Lasiopetalum longistamineum OR SPECIES: Lastreopsis walleri OR SPECIES: Lawrencia buchananensis OR SPECIES: Lechenaultia chlorantha OR SPECIES: Leiocarpa gatesii OR SPECIES: Leionema obtusifolium OR SPECIES: Leionema ralstonii OR SPECIES: Leionema sympetalum OR SPECIES: Lepidium aschersonii OR SPECIES: Lepidium ginninderrense OR SPECIES: Lepidium pseudopapillosum OR SPECIES: Leptomeria dielsiana OR SPECIES: Leptospermum deanei OR SPECIES: Leptospermum thompsonii OR SPECIES: Leucopogon exolasius OR SPECIES: Leucopogon sp. Ongerup (A.S.George 16682) OR VARIETY: Limonium australe var. baudinii OR SPECIES: Limosella granitica OR VARIETY: Lindsaea pulchella var. blanda OR SPECIES: Livistona lanuginosa OR SPECIES: Lobelia gelida OR SPECIES: Logania diffusa OR SPECIES: Logania insularis OR SPECIES: Macadamia integrifolia OR SPECIES: Macadamia ternifolia OR SPECIES: Macadamia tetraphylla OR SPECIES: Macropteranthes montana OR SPECIES: Macrozamia conferta OR SPECIES: Macrozamia macdonnellii OR SPECIES: Macrozamia machinii OR SPECIES: Macrozamia occidua OR SPECIES: Macrozamia parcifolia OR SPECIES: Maireana cheelii OR SPECIES: Marsdenia brevifolia OR SPECIES: Marsdenia longiloba OR SPECIES: Marsdenia paludicola OR SPECIES: Medicosma elliptica OR SPECIES: Medicosma obovata OR SPECIES: Melaleuca biconvexa OR SPECIES: Melaleuca deanei OR SPECIES: Melaleuca kunzeoides OR SPECIES: Melicope littoralis OR SUBSPECIES: Melicytus ramiflorus subsp. oblongifolius OR SPECIES: Meryta angustifolia OR SPECIES: Microcorys eremophiloides OR SPECIES: Microlepidium alatum OR SPECIES: Micromyrtus blakelyi OR SPECIES: Micromyrtus minutiflora OR SPECIES: Microtis globula OR SPECIES: Minuria tridens OR SPECIES: Mitrella tiwiensis OR SPECIES: Myoporum cordifolium OR SPECIES: Myriophyllum coronatum OR SPECIES: Myriophyllum porcatum OR SPECIES: Myrmecodia beccarii OR SPECIES: Myrsine ralstoniae OR SPECIES: Neisosperma kilneri OR SPECIES: Nematolepis frondosa OR SPECIES: Nematolepis rhytidophylla OR SUBSPECIES: Nematolepis squamea subsp. coriacea OR SPECIES: Nematolepis wilsonii OR SPECIES: Neoastelia spectabilis OR SPECIES: Neoroepera buxifolia OR SPECIES: Newcastelia velutina OR SPECIES: Notelaea lloydii OR SPECIES: Olax angulata OR SPECIES: Olearia astroloba OR SPECIES: Olearia cordata OR SPECIES: Olearia macdonnellensis OR SPECIES: Omphalea celata OR SPECIES: Oreogrammitis reinwardtii OR SPECIES: Owenia cepiodora OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus eriocephalus OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus reflexifolius OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus tesselatus OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus vagans OR SPECIES: Parsonsia larcomensis OR SPECIES: Paspalidium grandispiculatum OR SPECIES: Persicaria elatior OR SPECIES: Persoonia acerosa OR SPECIES: Persoonia bargoensis OR SPECIES: Persoonia glaucescens OR SPECIES: Persoonia marginata OR SPECIES: Petrophile nivea OR SPECIES: Phaius pictus OR SPECIES: Phaleria biflora OR SUBSPECIES: Phebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosum OR SPECIES: Phebalium lowanense OR SPECIES: Phebalium whitei OR SPECIES: Philotheca ericifolia OR SPECIES: Philotheca sporadica OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus lockyeri OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus marsupiiformis OR SPECIES: Phlegmariurus tetrastichoides OR SPECIES: Phyllota humifusa OR SPECIES: Picris evae OR SPECIES: Pimelea leptospermoides OR SPECIES: Pimelea pagophila OR SPECIES: Pittosporum bracteolatum OR SPECIES: Pityrodia augustensis OR SPECIES: Plectranthus gratus OR SPECIES: Plectranthus leiperi OR SPECIES: Angianthus phyllocalymmeus OR SPECIES: Plinthanthesis rodwayi OR SPECIES: Poa sallacustris OR SPECIES: Polianthion minutiflorum OR SPECIES: Polyscias bellendenkerensis OR SPECIES: Pomaderris brunnea OR SPECIES: Pomaderris clivicola OR VARIETY: Pomaderris gilmourii var. cana OR SPECIES: Pomaderris pallida OR SPECIES: Pomaderris parrisiae OR SUBSPECIES: Pomaderris pilifera subsp. talpicutica OR SPECIES: Pomaderris sericea OR SPECIES: Pomaderris subplicata OR SPECIES: Poranthera petalifera) OR ( SPECIES: Prasophyllum colemaniae OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum fuscum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum morganii OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum pallidum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum spicatum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum validum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum wallum OR SPECIES: Prostanthera calycina OR SPECIES: Prostanthera cineolifera OR SPECIES: Prostanthera densa OR SPECIES: Prostanthera discolor OR SPECIES: Prostanthera galbraithiae OR SPECIES: Prostanthera nudula OR SPECIES: Prostanthera palustris OR SPECIES: Prostanthera schultzii OR SPECIES: Prostanthera sp. Dunmore (D.M.Gordon 8A) OR SPECIES: Prostanthera spathulata OR SPECIES: Prostanthera staurophylla OR SPECIES: Prostanthera stricta OR SPECIES: Pseudocephalozia paludicola OR SPECIES: Pterostylis arenicola OR SPECIES: Pterostylis bicornis OR SPECIES: Pterostylis cheraphila OR SPECIES: Pterostylis chlorogramma OR SPECIES: Pterostylis cucullata OR SPECIES: Pterostylis mirabilis OR SPECIES: Pterostylis pratensis OR SPECIES: Pterostylis pulchella OR SPECIES: Pterostylis tenuissima OR SPECIES: Pterostylis xerophila OR SPECIES: Pterostylis ziegeleri OR SPECIES: Ptilotus beckerianus OR SPECIES: Ptychosema pusillum OR SPECIES: Pultenaea aristata OR SPECIES: Pultenaea baeuerlenii OR SPECIES: Pultenaea glabra OR SPECIES: Pultenaea parrisiae OR SPECIES: Pultenaea parviflora OR SPECIES: Pultenaea pauciflora OR SPECIES: Pultenaea setulosa OR VARIETY: Pultenaea villifera var. glabrescens OR SPECIES: Pultenaea williamsoniana OR SPECIES: Ranunculus anemoneus OR SPECIES: Rhagodia acicularis OR SPECIES: Rhaphidospora bonneyana OR SPECIES: Rhaponticum australe OR SPECIES: Rhinerrhizopsis matutina OR SPECIES: Ricinocarpos gloria-medii OR SPECIES: Ristantia gouldii OR SPECIES: Romnalda strobilacea OR SPECIES: Rutidosis heterogama OR SPECIES: Rutidosis leiolepis OR SPECIES: Rytidosperma pumilum OR SPECIES: Samadera bidwillii OR SPECIES: Sannantha crenulata OR SPECIES: Sannantha tozerensis OR SPECIES: Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii OR SPECIES: Sarcochilus hartmannii OR SPECIES: Sarcochilus hirticalcar OR SPECIES: Sarcochilus weinthalii OR SPECIES: Sauropus macranthus OR SPECIES: Sclerolaena blakei OR SPECIES: Sclerolaena walkeri OR SPECIES: Selaginella andrewsii OR SPECIES: Senecio australis OR SPECIES: Senecio hooglandii OR SPECIES: Senecio macrocarpus OR SPECIES: Senecio megaglossus OR SPECIES: Senecio psilocarpus OR SPECIES: Solanum dunalianum OR SPECIES: Solanum karsense OR SPECIES: Sophora fraseri OR SPECIES: Spyridium coactilifolium OR VARIETY: Spyridium eriocephalum var. glabrisepalum OR SPECIES: Spyridium obcordatum OR SPECIES: Stachystemon nematophorus OR SPECIES: Stackhousia annua OR SPECIES: Stenanthemum pimeleoides OR SPECIES: Stylidium galioides OR SPECIES: Styphelia perileuca OR SPECIES: Swainsona murrayana OR SPECIES: Swainsona plagiotropis OR SPECIES: Swainsona pyrophila OR SPECIES: Symplocos baeuerlenii OR SPECIES: Syzygium hodgkinsoniae OR SPECIES: Syzygium moorei OR SPECIES: Syzygium paniculatum OR SPECIES: Syzygium velarum OR SPECIES: Taeniophyllum norfolkianum OR SPECIES: Taraxacum cygnorum OR SPECIES: Tasmannia glaucifolia OR SPECIES: Tecticornia bulbosa OR SPECIES: Tecticornia flabelliformis OR SPECIES: Tephrosia leveillei OR SPECIES: Tetraria australiensis OR SPECIES: Tetratheca aphylla OR SPECIES: Tetratheca harperi OR SPECIES: Tetratheca juncea OR UNRANKED: Thelymitra mackibbinii OR SPECIES: Thelymitra matthewsii OR SPECIES: Thelymitra psammophila OR SPECIES: Thesium australe OR SPECIES: Thomasia glabripetala OR SPECIES: Thomasia montana OR SPECIES: Thryptomene wittweri OR SPECIES: Tmesipteris norfolkensis OR SPECIES: Ctenopteris walleri OR SPECIES: Tribonanthes purpurea OR SPECIES: Trichanthodium baracchianum OR SPECIES: Triplarina nitchaga OR SPECIES: Tropilis callitrophilis OR SPECIES: Ungeria floribunda OR SPECIES: Vanda hindsii OR SPECIES: Vappodes phalaenopsis OR SPECIES: Velleia perfoliata OR SPECIES: Veronica ciliolata OR SPECIES: Verticordia carinata OR SPECIES: Verticordia crebra OR SUBSPECIES: Verticordia fimbrilepis subsp. australis OR SPECIES: Verticordia helichrysantha OR SPECIES: Westringia cremnophila OR SPECIES: Westringia davidii OR SPECIES: Westringia parvifolia OR SPECIES: Westringia rupicola OR SPECIES: Xanthorrhoea arenaria OR SPECIES: Xanthostemon oppositifolius OR SPECIES: Xerochrysum palustre OR SPECIES: Xerothamnella parvifolia OR SPECIES: Xyris exilis OR SPECIES: Zeuxine polygonoides OR SPECIES: Zieria citriodora OR SPECIES: Zieria collina OR SPECIES: Zieria involucrata OR SPECIES: Zieria murphyi OR SPECIES: Zieria obovata OR SPECIES: Zieria rimulosa OR SPECIES: Zieria tuberculata OR SPECIES: Zieria verrucosa)
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  • CC-BY ACT BioBlitz
  • CC-BY City of Sydney Council to be referenced when data used.
  • CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]).
  • CC-BY Data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Sound files associated with specimen records are not available for download and re-use. Please contact the Australian National Wildlife Collection for more information.
  • CC-BY Data supplied is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.
  • CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative
  • CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0.
  • CC-BY Please also cite the associated data paper when using this data: Edgar, GJ and Stuart-Smith, RD, “Systematic global assessment of reef fish communities by the Reef Life Survey program”, Scientific Data, 1 Article 140007. doi:10.1038/sdata.2014.7 ISSN 2052-4463 (2014) The data described in this record are the intellectual property of the Reef Life Survey Foundation Inc. and is managed by the University of Tasmania through the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania.
  • CC-BY Please also cite the associated data paper when using this data: Edgar, GJ and Stuart-Smith, RD, “Systematic global assessment of reef fish communities by the Reef Life Survey program”, Scientific Data, 1 Article 140007. doi:10.1038/sdata.2014.7 ISSN 2052-4463 (2014) The data described in this record are the intellectual property of the Reef Life Survey Foundation Inc. and is managed by the University of Tasmania through the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania.
  • CC-BY Redland City Council
  • CC-BY Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • CC-BY Some of the data provided is copyrighted to Australian Governments; however, permission to use these data is given in good faith that the data will be interpreted correctly. It is strongly suggested that data users contact the corresponding author for advice on intended use.
  • CC-BY Source of data should be cited where possible.
  • CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
  • CC-BY Tweed Council
  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY-Int
  • CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source.
  • CC-BY-Int Tamborine Mountain Natural History Assoc. Inc.
  • CC-BY-Int The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see
  • CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License
  • CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
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  • Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at
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  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 3.0 (Int))
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  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Martin Butterfield
  • Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
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  • other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at
  • other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at
  • other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at
  • other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at
  • other Creative Commons, varies with individual images
  • other Rights is at record level
Date Created: 2019-03-18 9:50 AM

Datasets (178)

Name Licence Record count
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 300,014
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). 89,983
eBird Australia Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 73,472
Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas CC-BY 55,275
IMOS - AATAMS Facility Satellite Relay Tagging Program - Delayed mode data CC-BY 51,869
BirdLife Australia, Birdata CC-BY-NC 48,755
IMOS - Animal Tracking Facility - Acoustic Tracking - Quality Controlled Detections (2007 -2017) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 48,101
SA Fauna (BDBSA) 46,454
MEL AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 46,374
Elephant Seal Sightings, Macquarie Island CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 31,000
Fauna Atlas N.T. CC-BY Data supplied is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License. 24,280
WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data CC-BY 22,461
New South Wales Bird Atlassers CC-BY 22,259
Seabirds of the Southern and South Indian Ocean CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 18,105
SA Flora (BDBSA) 15,302
First Bird Atlas CC-BY-NC 13,745
Australian Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 13,480
ARGOS Satellite Tracking of animals CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 8,979
Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM CC-BY 8,687
South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM CC-BY 8,463
Seabird Atlas of South-eastern Australian Waters 1975-1993 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 8,415
Historical Bird Atlas CC-BY-NC 8,331
BRI AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 6,076
School and gummy shark tagging by CSIRO in southern Australia: 1947-1956 CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 6,033
Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 5,215
Flora Atlas N.T. CC-BY Data supplied is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License. 5,172
Satellite tagging of female hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting on Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, 2009-2011 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 5,132
Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM CC-BY Data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Sound files associated with specimen records are not available for download and re-use. Please contact the Australian National Wildlife Collection for more information. 5,123
GBIF records other Rights is at record level 4,708
New Zealand Virtual Herbarium CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 4,659
Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 4,291
The distribution and host range of the pandemic disease chytridiomycosis in Australia, spanning surveys from 1956 to 2007. CC-BY Some of the data provided is copyrighted to Australian Governments; however, permission to use these data is given in good faith that the data will be interpreted correctly. It is strongly suggested that data users contact the corresponding author for advice on intended use. 3,597
Marine Turtle Nesting Locations, Queensland and Northern Territory coastlines, Australia 1915-2012 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 3,457
Satellite tracking of female olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) nesting in the Wessel Islands, Northern Territory, 2005 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 3,296
iNaturalist CC-BY-NC-Int 2,558
ALA species sightings and OzAtlas CC-BY 2,475
Bureau of Rural Sciences, Commercial Fisheries Presence, Australia, 2000-2002 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 2,338
Bureau of Rural Sciences, Commercial Fisheries Presence, Australia, 2000-2002 - Version 10 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 2,338
National Parks Association of NSW Great Koala Count CC-BY 2,148
Investigation of School and Gummy Shark Nursery Areas in South East Tasmania, Australia, 1991-1997 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1,972
HO AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 1,950
WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, Threatened Flora Seed Centre CC-BY 1,849
Elephant Seal Sightings, Heard Island CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 1,794
CSIRO Oceans and Atmospheres Kapala Trawler Surveys (1975-2008) CC-BY-Int 1,772
The Great Koala Count South Australia CC-BY 1,674
Garden Bird Surveys CC-BY-NC 1,549
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM CC-BY 1,388
CSIRO, Soviet Fishery Data, Australia, 1965-1978 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 1,277
CSIRO, Soviet Fishery Data, Australia, 1965-1978 - Version 6 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1,277
Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 1,193
Western Australia Bird Surveys (1987-2015) CC-BY CC-BY 1,075
Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank CC-BY 951
National Whale and Dolphin Sightings and Strandings Database CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 895
ABBBS Bird Banding records from the Australian Antarctic Territory and Heard Island. CC-BY-Int 877
Australian National Insect Collection CC-BY Source of data should be cited where possible. 795
Queen Victoria Museum Art Gallery provider for OZCAM CC-BY 758
Logan City Council Species Sightings CC-BY 728
Redland City Council Citizen Science Portal CC-BY Redland City Council 715
Questagame weekly feed CC-BY-NC 705
QLD DERM Coastal Bird Atlas (Trial) CC-BY-NC 580
Incidental Livistona lanuginosa records CC-BY-NC 566
Conservation Atlas Surveys Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 561
Seabird observations during long-line fisheries operations in waters south of Tasmania, Australia, 1996-1999 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 552
Bottom Trawl Surveys: Catch and Effort Data For South East Australia, 1898-1996 - Version 1.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 508
PlantBank Records CC-BY 493
ClimateWatch CC-BY-NC 490
Seabird Observations, Storm Bay, Tasmania, Australia, 1991-1994 - Version 2.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 471
ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification Library 455
CSIRO, Abundance and distribution of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters 1987-1979 - Version 2 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 348
CSIRO, Abundance and distribution of orange roughy in southeast Australian waters 1987-1979 - Version 2.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 348
Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group other Creative Commons, varies with individual images 328
Cool Country South Koala Project CC-BY 272
Whale catches in the Southern Ocean CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 269
Brisbane City Council Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 267
BowerBird Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) The rights of material uploaded by users to the BowerBird website are owned by those users. Each user will nominate the type of license that can apply to their content - BowerBird encourages the Creative Commons License but users have the right to deny use of their content. Please respect the license wishes of the user's content. For all other material, including the content, design and source code of BowerBird other than user-contributed material, is under the Open Source and Creative Commons licenses. You may use this material. 237
CSIRO Ichthyology provider for OZCAM CC-BY 233
TRIAP Franklin 2008 Waterbirds - Marine records CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 230
Reef Life Survey: Global reef fish dataset CC-BY Please also cite the associated data paper when using this data: Edgar, GJ and Stuart-Smith, RD, “Systematic global assessment of reef fish communities by the Reef Life Survey program”, Scientific Data, 1 Article 140007. doi:10.1038/sdata.2014.7 ISSN 2052-4463 (2014) The data described in this record are the intellectual property of the Reef Life Survey Foundation Inc. and is managed by the University of Tasmania through the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania. 223
CSIRO, South East Fishery Habitat Ecosystem Study, Southeast Australia, 1993-1997 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 211
CSIRO, South East Fishery Habitat Ecosystem Study, Southeast Australia, 1993-1997 - Version 5 CC-BY-Int 211
Records of the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre CC-BY 191
Canberra Nature Map CC-BY 189
Sustainable Rivers Audit CC-BY-Int 180
Database of Australasian Vertebrate Occurrences CC-BY 177
Melbourne Water Frog Census CC-BY 173
Density estimates of spotted handfish (Brachionichthys hirsutus) - GPS Underwater Visual Census (2015,2016) - Version 1.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 170
CSIRO, fish surveys by the Soela, 1980s - Version 2.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 164
European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror CC-BY-Int The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see 164
NatureShare CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0. 154
Central Great Barrier Reef shark nursery area survey (NERP TE 6.2, JCU), Australia (2011-2014) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 127
RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_V02 Seabird Observations, Australia (2017) CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 113
Northern Gulf Fauna Survey CC-BY-NC 109
CSIRO, Rachel Cruises, Shark Data, Arafura Sea, North Australia, 1984 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 109
CSIRO, Rachel Cruises, Shark Data, Arafura Sea, North Australia, 1984 - Version 6 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 109
North Marine Region sawfish collection records (DEW collation), Australia (1912 - 2004) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 103
NSW South Coast & ACT plants CC-BY 98
South East Fishery (SEF) Ecosystem Study 1993-1996: Fish Diet Data. Australia (1993-1997) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 95
Records from the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre CC-BY 78
CSIRO, fish surveys by the Courageous, 1978-1979 - Version 1.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License 76
Tweed Koala Sightings other 69
Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness - Sightings CC-BY 68
Banksia Atlas Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 60
Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region CC-BY-NC 57
The Living Murray Fish data CC-BY-Int 56
Gaia Guide other 54
North Marine Region sea snake collection records (DEW collation), Australia (1877-2007) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 53
BOLD - Australian records CC-BY-Int 46
FrogWatch SA Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 44
CSIRO, North West Shelf Demersal Marine Resources Study 1980-1997 - Version 1.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 43
Australian Sea Lion and New Zealand Fur Seal Distribution Database from Coastal and Marine Resources Information System (CAMRIS) CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 42
North Marine Region demersal fish and invertebrate collection records (DEW collation), Australia (1980 - 1997) CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 41
Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens CC-BY 41
Murray-Darling Basin fish monitoring survey CC-BY-Int 39
WCPS Bird Survey Project other 39
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM-Arthropoda CC-BY 39
Fossil Birds CC-BY 39
ACT Wildlife Atlas CC-BY 38
CSIRO, Jack Mackerel surveys, 1978 - Version 1.0 other 34
PaDIL Bee records CC-BY 31
Queensland WildNet Waterbirds, Australia (1900-2014) CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 29
RV Investigator Voyage IN2017_T01 Seabird Observations, Australia (2017) CC-BY-NC This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 28
CSIRO, Cruise SS199101, Marine Biology Data, Western Australia, 1991 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 28
CSIRO, Cruise SS199101, Marine Biology Data, Western Australia, 1991 - Version 6 CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 28
RV Investigator Voyage IN2016_T02 Seabird Observations, Australia (2016) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 25
SharkBase CC-BY-NC-Int 23
Records of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Conservation Seedbank CC-BY 22
CSIRO, Catch records from eddy studies off the New South Wales coast, Australia 1979-1980 - Version 1.0 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 21
Cetacean Sightings Survey and Southern Ocean cetacean program CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 20
NORFANZ Biological Survey, Tasman Sea, Australia - New Zealand 2003 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 20
Lizard Island Research Station CC-BY 20
Geelong Field Naturalists Club Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 3.0 (Int)) 19
The Orchid Atlas of Western Australia Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 19
Inventory of Antarctic seabird breeding sites CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 18
Koala Count-a-thon other 18
Weed and native flora data for the Swan Coastal Plain other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 18
CSIRO, Cruises, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Fishery Bycatch, North Australia, 1997 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 14
Fossil Fish CC-BY 14
CSIRO, Cruises, Vertebrate and Invertebrate Fishery Bycatch, North Australia, 1997 - Version 6 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 14
Whicher Scarp Flora Survey other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 12
CSIRO, Fish Survey, Albatross Bay - Gulf of Capentaria, North Australia, 1986-1988 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 11
CSIRO, Fish Survey, Albatross Bay - Gulf of Capentaria, North Australia, 1986-1988 - Version 5 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 11
Mammals on Australian Islands other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 11
Morphbank 11
RV Investigator Voyage IN2016_T02 Seabird Observations - Version 1 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 10
Reef Life Survey: Cryptic Fish CC-BY Please also cite the associated data paper when using this data: Edgar, GJ and Stuart-Smith, RD, “Systematic global assessment of reef fish communities by the Reef Life Survey program”, Scientific Data, 1 Article 140007. doi:10.1038/sdata.2014.7 ISSN 2052-4463 (2014) The data described in this record are the intellectual property of the Reef Life Survey Foundation Inc. and is managed by the University of Tasmania through the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania. 10
Swan Coastal Plain Survey other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 10
Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System 8
Condition of rocky reef communities around Tasmania: fish surveys, Australia (1992-1995 and 2006-2007) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 8
Banded Iron Formation and Greenstone survey data other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 7
Bathing Birds - National Parks Association NSW and Birdlife Australia other 6
Australian Antarctic Division Herbarium CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 5
Wolli Creek Preservation Society Bird Survey CC-BY 5
RV Investigator Voyage IN2016_V06 Seabird Observations, Australia (2016) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 4
Images of Flora and Fauna of 290 Leppitt Rd, Upper Beaconsfield CC-BY 4
City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory other 4
Wairambar Rainforest Species list 2017 Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 4
Martin Butterfield Mallacoota Observations Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Martin Butterfield 4
Subantarctic Fur sealsat Heard Island, 1987/88 CC-BY-Int Data are freely available through GBIF, OBIS, SCAR-MarBIN and through the AADC web site. If substantial parts of the database is used for other data or information products, please acknowledge the source. 3
Species at 290 Leppitt Road, Upper Beaconsfield CC-BY 3
Bush Heritage - Carnarvon Station Reserve CC-BY 3
Salinity Action Plan Flora Survey other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 3
Great Eastern Ranges - Slopes to Summit CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative 2
CSIRO, Cruise SS199402, Marine Biological Survey, Southeast Australia, 1994 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 2
CSIRO, Cruise SS199402, Marine Biological Survey, Southeast Australia, 1994 - Version 6 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 2
Thornlands and surrounds avifauna and herpetofauna surveys CC-BY 2
Lake Muir Wetlands other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 1
CSIRO, Cruise SS200702, Marine Biodiversity Survey, Southeast Australia, 2007 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 1
Great Eastern Ranges - Kosciuszko to Coast CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative 1
Spot Our Species Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 1
Tamborine Mountain Weekly Bird Observations CC-BY-Int Tamborine Mountain Natural History Assoc. Inc. 1
CSIRO, Cruise SS200702, Marine Biodiversity Survey, Southeast Australia, 2007 - Version 6 CC-BY-Int This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1
Scenic Rim Regional Council - Land for Wildlife Program CC-BY Scenic Rim Regional Council 1
Tweed Council Koala Count CC-BY Tweed Council 1
Stoney Creek area of Samford Valley recorded by Michael Curran Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 3.0 (Int)) 1
ACT BioBlitz CC-BY ACT BioBlitz 1
Ravensthorpe Range survey data other Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 1
City of Sydney Council Fauna Sightings CC-BY City of Sydney Council to be referenced when data used. 1