
Occurrence records download on 2020-02-23

Record count: 7,298
Search query:
  • query: qid:1582448951895
  • filter: (institution_name:"Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research" OR institution_name:"Australian Tropical Herbarium")
  • filter: Record type:"PreservedSpecimen"
Search URL: (raw_name:"Abrotanella emarginata" OR raw_name:"Acanthocladium dockeri" OR raw_name:"Achnophora tatei" OR raw_name:"Acmella oppositifolia" OR raw_name:"Acomis macra" OR raw_name:"Actinobole uliginosum" OR raw_name:"Actites megalocarpa" OR raw_name:"Acunniana procumbens" OR raw_name:"Wollastonia procumbens" OR raw_name:"Adenostemma viscosa" OR raw_name:"Allittia cardiocarpa" OR raw_name:"Allopterigeron filifolius" OR raw_name:"Ammobium alatum" OR raw_name:"Anemocarpa calcicola" OR raw_name:"Angianthus tomentosus" OR raw_name:"Apalochlamys spectabilis" OR raw_name:"Apowollastonia spilanthoides" OR raw_name:"Wedelia spilanthoides" OR raw_name:"Argentipallium obtusifolium" OR raw_name:"Argyroglottis turbinata" OR raw_name:"Argyrotegium mackayi" OR raw_name:"Arrhenechthites tomentella" OR raw_name:"Asteridea pulverulenta" OR raw_name:"Athroisma laciniatum" OR raw_name:"Balladonia aervoides" OR raw_name:"Calocephalus aervoides" OR raw_name:"Basedowia tenerrima" OR raw_name:"Bedfordia salicina" OR raw_name:"Bellida graminea" OR raw_name:"Blainvillea rhomboidea" OR raw_name:"Blennospora drummondii" OR raw_name:"Blumea balsamifera" OR raw_name:"Centropappus brunonis" OR raw_name:"Brachyglottis brunonis" OR raw_name:"Brachyscome billardierei" OR raw_name:"Calocephalus citreus" OR raw_name:"Calomeria amaranthoides" OR raw_name:"Calotis cuneifolia" OR raw_name:"Camptacra gracilis" OR raw_name:"Cassinia aurea" OR raw_name:"Celmisia rotundifolia" OR raw_name:"Centipeda orbicularis" OR raw_name:"Centratherum punctatum" OR raw_name:"Cephalipterum drummondii" OR raw_name:"Cephalosorus carpesioides" OR raw_name:"Ceratogyne obionoides" OR raw_name:"Chondropyxis halophila" OR raw_name:"Chrysocephalum apiculatum" OR raw_name:"Chthonocephalus pseudevax" OR raw_name:"Coleocoma centaurea" OR raw_name:"Coronidium oxylepis" OR raw_name:"Cotula coronopifolia" OR raw_name:"Craspedia uniflora" OR raw_name:"Cremnothamnus thomsonii" OR raw_name:"Cyanthillium cinereum" OR raw_name:"Cymbonotus lawsonianum" OR raw_name:"Decaneuropsis obovata" OR raw_name:"Decazesia hecatocephala" OR raw_name:"Dichromochlamys dentatifolia" OR raw_name:"Dielitzia tysonii" OR raw_name:"Dimorphocoma minutula" OR raw_name:"Diodontium filifolium" OR raw_name:"Dithyrostegia amplexicaulis" OR raw_name:"Eclipta prostrata" OR raw_name:"Elachanthus pusillus" OR raw_name:"Elephantopus scaber" OR raw_name:"Enydra fluctuans" OR raw_name:"Epaltes divaricata" OR raw_name:"Epitriche demissus" OR raw_name:"Erigeron acris" OR raw_name:"Eriochlamys behrii" OR raw_name:"Erodiophyllum elderi" OR raw_name:"Erymophyllum ramosum" OR raw_name:"Eschenbachia" OR raw_name:"Ethulia conyzoides" OR raw_name:"Ethuliopsis cunninghamii" OR raw_name:"Euchiton involucratus" OR raw_name:"Ewartia nubigena" OR raw_name:"Feldstonia nitens" OR raw_name:"Fitzwillia axilliflora" OR raw_name:"Flaveria chilensis" OR raw_name:"Gilberta tenuifolia" OR raw_name:"Gilruthia osbornei" OR raw_name:"Glossocardia linearifolia" OR raw_name:"Gnaphalium diamantinense" OR raw_name:"Gnephosis tenuissima" OR raw_name:"Gratwickia monochaeta" OR raw_name:"Gynura auriculata" OR raw_name:"Haeckeria cassiniiformis" OR raw_name:"Haegiela tatei" OR raw_name:"Haptotrichion conicum" OR raw_name:"Helichrysum" OR raw_name:"Helipterum craspedioides" OR raw_name:"Hemisteptia lyrata" OR raw_name:"Hullsia argyllicola" OR raw_name:"Hyalochlamys globifera" OR raw_name:"Hyalosperma glutinosum" OR raw_name:"Iotasperma australiense" OR raw_name:"Isoetopsis graminifolia" OR raw_name:"Ixiochlamys cuneifolia" OR raw_name:"Ixiolaena viscosa" OR raw_name:"Ixodia achillaeoides" OR raw_name:"Kippistia suaedifolia" OR raw_name:"Lagenophora nudicaulis" OR raw_name:"Launaea sarmentosa" OR raw_name:"Lawrencella rosea" OR raw_name:"Leiocarpa leptolepis" OR raw_name:"Lemooria burkittii" OR raw_name:"Leptinella scariosa" OR raw_name:"Leptorhynchos squamatus" OR raw_name:"Leucophyta brownii" OR raw_name:"Lordhowea insularis" OR raw_name:"Melanthera biflora" OR raw_name:"Microseris lanceolata" OR raw_name:"Millotia tenuifolia" OR raw_name:"Minuria leptophylla" OR raw_name:"Myriocephalus appendiculatus" OR raw_name:"Nablonium calyceroides" OR raw_name:"Neotysonia phyllostegia" OR raw_name:"Notisia intonsa" OR raw_name:"Gnephosis intonsa" OR raw_name:"Odixia angusta" OR raw_name:"Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius" OR raw_name:"Pappochroma pappocromum" OR raw_name:"Erigeron pappocromus" OR raw_name:"Parantennaria uniceps" OR raw_name:"Pembertonia latisquamaea" OR raw_name:"Pentalepis trichodesmoides" OR raw_name:"Phacellothrix cladochaeta" OR raw_name:"Picris angustifolia" OR raw_name:"Pilbara trudgenii" OR raw_name:"Pithocarpa pulchella" OR raw_name:"Pleurocarpaea denticulata" OR raw_name:"Pleurophyllum hookeri" OR raw_name:"Pluchea marylandica" OR raw_name:"Podolepis ruguta" OR raw_name:"Podotheca angustifolia" OR raw_name:"Pogonolepis stricta" OR raw_name:"Polycalymma stuartii" OR raw_name:"Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum" OR raw_name:"Pterocaulon pycnostachyum" OR raw_name:"Pterochaeta paniculata" OR raw_name:"Pterygopappus lawrencei" OR raw_name:"Pycnosorus globosus" OR raw_name:"Quinetia urvillei" OR raw_name:"Quinqueremulus linearis" OR raw_name:"Rhaponticum jacea" OR raw_name:"Rhetinocarpha suffruticosa" OR raw_name:"Rhodanthe manglesii" OR raw_name:"Roebuckiella halophila" OR raw_name:"Brachyscome halophila" OR raw_name:"Rutidosis helichrysoides" OR raw_name:"Schoenia cassiniana" OR raw_name:"Senecio vulgaris" OR raw_name:"Sigesbeckia orientalis" OR raw_name:"Siloxerus humifusus" OR raw_name:"Solenogyne bellioides" OR raw_name:"Sonchus hydrophilus" OR raw_name:"Sondottia connata" OR raw_name:"Sphaeranthus indicus" OR raw_name:"Sphaeromorphaea" OR raw_name:"Streptoglossa odora" OR raw_name:"Stuartina muelleri" OR raw_name:"Taplinia saxatilis" OR raw_name:"Taraxacum officinale" OR raw_name:"Tetramolopium" OR raw_name:"Thespidium basiflorum" OR raw_name:"Thiseltonia gracillima" OR raw_name:"Tietkensia corrickiae" OR raw_name:"Trichanthodium skirrophorum" OR raw_name:"Trichocline spathulata" OR raw_name:"Trioncinia" OR raw_name:"Triptilodiscus pygmaeus" OR raw_name:"Vittadinia australasica" OR raw_name:"Waitzia corymbosa" OR raw_name:"Wedelia fruticosa" OR raw_name:"Wollastonia" OR raw_name:"Xerochrysum bracteatum" OR raw_name:"Youngia")
Data profile disabled
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded.
Date Created: 2020-02-23 8:13 PM

Datasets (1)

Name Licence Record count
MEL AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 7,298