
Occurrence records download on 2019-05-29

Record count: 43
Search query:
  • query:
  • filter: Record type:"PreservedSpecimen"
Data profile disabled
  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY Data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Sound files associated with specimen records are not available for download and re-use. Please contact the Australian National Wildlife Collection for more information.
  • Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au))
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int))
  • other Rights is at record level
Date Created: 2019-05-29 1:40 PM

Datasets (9)

Name Licence Record count
Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM CC-BY 17
Australian Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 11
South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM CC-BY 4
Western Australian Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 4
Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 2
Australian National Wildlife Collection provider for OZCAM CC-BY Data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia license. Sound files associated with specimen records are not available for download and re-use. Please contact the Australian National Wildlife Collection for more information. 2
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 1
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery provider for OZCAM CC-BY 1
GBIF records other Rights is at record level 1