
Occurrence records download on 2018-08-16

Record count: 5,310
Search query:
  • query: lsid:
  • filter: State or Territory:"Victoria"
Data profile disabled
  • CC-BY AVH data is given out under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. AVH data is updated very frequently, so it is recommended to use current data, rather than rely on previously downloaded material.
  • CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]).
  • CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0.
  • CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
  • CC-BY-NC Copyright 2012-2016 CSIRO
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int))
Date Created: 2018-08-16 10:07 AM

Datasets (8)

Name Licence Record count
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). 4,999
Australia's Virtual Herbarium CC-BY AVH data is given out under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. AVH data is updated very frequently, so it is recommended to use current data, rather than rely on previously downloaded material. 296
NatureShare CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0. 6
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 3
SA Flora (BDBSA) 2
CSIRO Yellow Box Fragmentation Project CC-BY-NC Copyright 2012-2016 CSIRO 2
Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System 1
New Zealand Virtual Herbarium CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1