
Occurrence records download on 2020-08-12

Record count: 22,414
Search query:
  • query: qid:1597226716398
Search URL: ( SPECIES: Acacia axillaris OR SPECIES: Amphibromus fluitans OR SUBSPECIES: Arthrochilus huntianus subsp. nothofagicola OR SPECIES: Asplenium hookerianum OR SPECIES: Azorella macquariensis OR SPECIES: Ballantinia antipoda OR SPECIES: Barbarea australis OR SUBSPECIES: Bertya tasmanica subsp. tasmanica OR SPECIES: Boronia gunnii OR SPECIES: Boronia hemichiton OR SPECIES: Boronia hippopala OR SPECIES: Caladenia anthracina OR SPECIES: Caladenia brachyscapa OR SPECIES: Caladenia campbellii OR SPECIES: Caladenia caudata OR SPECIES: Caladenia dienema OR SPECIES: Caladenia lindleyana OR SPECIES: Caladenia pallida OR SPECIES: Caladenia saggicola OR SPECIES: Caladenia sylvicola OR SPECIES: Caladenia tonellii OR SPECIES: Callitris oblonga OR SUBSPECIES: Callitris oblonga subsp. oblonga OR SPECIES: Carex tasmanica OR SPECIES: Cassinia rugata OR SPECIES: Centrolepis pedderensis OR SPECIES: Colobanthus curtisiae OR SPECIES: Conospermum hookeri OR SPECIES: Corybas sulcatus OR SPECIES: Craspedia preminghana OR SPECIES: Deyeuxia lawrencei OR SPECIES: Dianella amoena OR SPECIES: Diuris lanceolata OR SPECIES: Epacris apsleyensis OR SPECIES: Epacris barbata OR SPECIES: Epacris exserta OR SPECIES: Epacris glabella OR SPECIES: Epacris grandis OR SPECIES: Epacris graniticola OR SPECIES: Epacris limbata OR SPECIES: Epacris stuartii OR SPECIES: Epacris virgata OR SUBSPECIES: Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata OR SPECIES: Eucalyptus morrisbyi OR SPECIES: Euphrasia amphisysepala OR SPECIES: Euphrasia fragosa OR SUBSPECIES: Euphrasia gibbsiae subsp. psilantherea OR SPECIES: Euphrasia phragmostoma OR SPECIES: Euphrasia semipicta OR SPECIES: Euphrasia sp. Bivouac Bay (W.R.Barker 7626 et al.) OR SPECIES: Galium antarcticum OR SPECIES: Genoplesium brachystachyum OR SPECIES: Genoplesium firthii OR SPECIES: Glycine latrobeana OR SPECIES: Hibbertia basaltica OR SPECIES: Hypolepis distans OR SPECIES: Lepidium hyssopifolium OR SUBSPECIES: Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor OR VARIETY: Limonium australe var. baudinii OR SPECIES: Lomatia tasmanica OR SPECIES: Nematoceras dienemum OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus reflexifolius OR SPECIES: Ozothamnus selaginoides OR SPECIES: Phebalium daviesii OR SPECIES: Philotheca freyciana OR SUBSPECIES: Pomaderris pilifera subsp. talpicutica OR SPECIES: Poranthera petalifera OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum amoenum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum apoxychilum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum atratum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum castaneum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum crebriflorum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum favonium OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum incorrectum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum limnetes OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum milfordense OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum olidum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum perangustum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum pulchellum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum robustum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum secutum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum stellatum OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum taphanyx OR SPECIES: Prasophyllum tunbridgense OR SPECIES: Pseudocephalozia paludicola OR SPECIES: Pterostylis commutata OR SPECIES: Pterostylis cucullata OR SPECIES: Pterostylis pratensis OR SPECIES: Pterostylis rubenachii OR SPECIES: Pterostylis wapstrarum OR SPECIES: Pterostylis ziegeleri OR SPECIES: Ranunculus prasinus OR SPECIES: Rytidosperma popinensis OR SPECIES: Sagina diemensis OR SPECIES: Senecio georgianus OR SPECIES: Senecio macrocarpus OR SPECIES: Senecio psilocarpus OR SPECIES: Spyridium lawrencei OR SPECIES: Spyridium obcordatum OR SPECIES: Stenanthemum pimeleoides OR SPECIES: Stonesiella selaginoides OR SPECIES: Taraxacum cygnorum OR SPECIES: Tetratheca gunnii OR SPECIES: Thelymitra jonesii OR SPECIES: Thesium australe OR SPECIES: Veronica ciliolata OR SPECIES: Xanthorrhoea arenaria OR SPECIES: Xanthorrhoea bracteata OR SPECIES: Xerochrysum palustre)
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  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int))
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
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Date Created: 2020-08-12 8:06 PM

Datasets (31)

Name Licence Record count
Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 10,169
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). 3,885
MEL AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 2,946
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 2,024
HO AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 1,742
Canberra Nature Map CC-BY 277
WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data CC-BY 229
SA Flora (BDBSA) Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 216
iNaturalist Australia CC-BY-NC-Int 180
Records of the Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre CC-BY 167
Conservation Atlas Surveys Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 102
Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region CC-BY-NC 75
Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) 73
BRI AVH data You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 69
NatureShare CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0. 60
ALA species sightings and OzAtlas CC-BY 48
Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank CC-BY 41
My species list other 39
New Zealand Virtual Herbarium CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 17
PlantBank Records CC-BY 13
BowerBird Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) The rights of material uploaded by users to the BowerBird website are owned by those users. Each user will nominate the type of license that can apply to their content - BowerBird encourages the Creative Commons License but users have the right to deny use of their content. Please respect the license wishes of the user's content. For all other material, including the content, design and source code of BowerBird other than user-contributed material, is under the Open Source and Creative Commons licenses. You may use this material. 10
UNSW AVH data This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 9
NSW South Coast & ACT plants CC-BY 8
Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 4
ERBG AVH data This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 3
Images of Flora and Fauna of 290 Leppitt Rd, Upper Beaconsfield CC-BY 2
Species at 290 Leppitt Road, Upper Beaconsfield CC-BY 2
Albury Wodonga Nature Map Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 1
European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror CC-BY-Int The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see 1
Bush Heritage - Carnarvon Station Reserve CC-BY 1
Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) 1