
Occurrence records download on 2024-12-03

Record count: 797,371
Search query:
  • query: qid:1733192095470
Search URL: ( subspecies: Argemone ochroleuca subsp. ochroleuca OR species: Asphodelus fistulosus OR species: Bidens bipinnata OR species: Cenchrus ciliaris OR species: Cenchrus setiger OR species: Citrullus amarus OR species: Citrullus colocynthis OR subspecies: Datura leichhardtii subsp. leichhardtii OR species: Echinochloa colona OR species: Flaveria trinervia OR species: Malvastrum americanum OR species: Rumex vesicarius OR species: Setaria verticillata OR species: Sisymbrium irio OR species: Sonchus oleraceus OR variety: Vachellia farnesiana var. farnesiana OR species: Abutilon amplum OR species: Abutilon cryptopetalum OR subspecies: Abutilon fraseri subsp. fraseri OR species: Abutilon lepidum OR species: Acacia aptaneura OR species: Acacia citrinoviridis OR subspecies: Acacia coriacea subsp. pendens OR species: Acacia curryana OR species: Acacia cuspidifolia OR subspecies: Acacia cuthbertsonii subsp. cuthbertsonii OR species: Acacia demissa OR species: Acacia fuscaneura OR species: Acacia incurvaneura OR species: Acacia kempeana OR species: Acacia macraneura OR species: Acacia petricola OR species: Acacia pruinocarpa OR variety: Acacia pyrifolia var. morrisonii OR variety: Acacia pyrifolia var. pyrifolia OR species: Acacia rhodophloia OR subspecies: Acacia sclerosperma subsp. sclerosperma OR species: Acacia synchronicia OR species: Acacia tetragonophylla OR species: Acacia xiphophylla OR species: Aeschynomene indica OR species: Afrohybanthus aurantiacus OR variety: Alternanthera denticulata var. denticulata OR species: Amaranthus cuspidifolius OR species: Ammannia multiflora OR species: Amyema fitzgeraldii OR species: Amyema sp. Fortescue (M.E.Trudgen 5358) OR species: Androcalva luteiflora OR species: Angianthus tomentosus OR species: Anthobolus leptomerioides OR species: Aristida contorta OR variety: Aristida holathera var. holathera OR species: Arivela viscosa OR species: Atriplex bunburyana OR species: Atriplex codonocarpa OR species: Atriplex semilunaris OR species: Boerhavia coccinea OR species: Bothriochloa ewartiana OR species: Brachyscome iberidifolia OR species: Bulbine semibarbata OR species: Bulbostylis barbata OR species: Rumicastrum monospermum OR species: Calandrinia ptychosperma OR species: Calandrinia schistorhiza OR species: Calocephalus francisii OR species: Calotis multicaulis OR species: Calotis plumulifera OR species: Calytrix desolata OR subspecies: Centipeda minima subsp. macrocephala OR species: Cheilanthes brownii OR subspecies: Cheilanthes sieberi subsp. sieberi OR species: Chloris pumilio OR species: Chrysopogon fallax OR species: Convolvulus clementii OR species: Corchorus crozophorifolius OR subspecies: Crotalaria cunninghamii subsp. sturtii OR variety: Crotalaria medicaginea var. neglecta OR species: Cucumis variabilis OR species: Cullen cinereum OR species: Cullen lachnostachys OR species: Cullen leucanthum OR species: Cymbopogon ambiguus OR species: Cymbopogon obtectus OR species: Cynodon prostratus OR subspecies: Cyperus cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii OR species: Cyperus iria OR species: Cyperus vaginatus OR species: Dactyloctenium radulans OR species: Phyllanthus erwinii OR subspecies: Dichanthium sericeum subsp. humilius OR species: Dicladanthera forrestii OR species: Digitaria brownii OR species: Digitaria ctenantha OR subspecies: Dipteracanthus australasicus subsp. australasicus OR species: Dissocarpus paradoxus OR species: Dodonaea amplisemina OR species: Dodonaea pachyneura OR species: Dodonaea petiolaris OR species: Duperreya commixta OR subspecies: Dysphania glomulifera subsp. eremaea OR subspecies: Dysphania rhadinostachya subsp. inflata OR subspecies: Dysphania rhadinostachya subsp. rhadinostachya OR variety: Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa OR species: Enneapogon caerulescens OR species: Enteropogon ramosus OR species: Eragrostis cumingii OR species: Eragrostis dielsii OR species: Eragrostis eriopoda OR species: Eragrostis falcata OR species: Eragrostis leptocarpa OR species: Eragrostis pergracilis OR species: Eragrostis setifolia OR species: Eragrostis tenellula OR species: Eragrostis xerophila OR species: Eremophila conferta OR species: Eremophila cuneifolia OR species: Eremophila exilifolia OR subspecies: Eremophila forrestii subsp. forrestii OR subspecies: Eremophila forrestii subsp. hastieana OR subspecies: Eremophila fraseri subsp. fraseri OR species: Eremophila galeata OR species: Eremophila lachnocalyx OR subspecies: Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra OR subspecies: Eremophila latrobei subsp. latrobei OR species: Eremophila longifolia OR species: Eremophila maitlandii OR subspecies: Eremophila oppositifolia subsp. angustifolia OR species: Eremophila pantonii OR subspecies: Eremophila phyllopoda subsp. phyllopoda OR subspecies: Eremophila platycalyx subsp. pardalota OR subspecies: Eremophila pterocarpa subsp. pterocarpa OR species: Eremophila reticulata OR species: Eriachne aristidea OR species: Eriachne flaccida OR species: Eriachne mucronata OR subspecies: Eriachne pulchella subsp. dominii OR subspecies: Eriachne pulchella subsp. pulchella OR species: Erodium cygnorum OR species: Erymophyllum compactum OR species: Erythrina vespertilio OR subspecies: Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. obtusa OR species: Eulalia aurea OR variety: Euphorbia australis var. subtomentosa OR species: Euphorbia biconvexa OR species: Euphorbia boophthona OR species: Euphorbia drummondii OR subspecies: Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila OR species: Heliotropium cunninghamii OR variety: Evolvulus alsinoides var. villosicalyx OR species: Exocarpos aphyllus OR species: Ficus brachypoda OR species: Fimbristylis dichotoma OR species: Frankenia hispidula OR species: Frankenia setosa OR species: Glycine canescens OR subspecies: Gomphrena canescens subsp. canescens OR species: Gomphrena cunninghamii OR species: Gomphrena kanisii OR species: Goodenia berardiana OR species: Goodenia berringbinensis OR species: Goodenia forrestii OR species: Goodenia lamprosperma OR species: Goodenia muelleriana OR species: Goodenia tenuiloba OR species: Gossypium australe OR species: Grevillea berryana OR species: Grevillea striata OR subspecies: Hakea lorea subsp. lorea OR species: Hakea preissii OR species: Heliotropium ammophilum OR species: Helipterum craspedioides OR species: Hibiscus burtonii OR species: Hibiscus leptocladus OR species: Hibiscus sturtii OR species: Homalocalyx staminosus OR species: Indigofera colutea OR species: Indigofera decipiens OR species: Indigofera linnaei OR species: Indigofera monophylla OR species: Ipomoea muelleri OR species: Iseilema dolichotrichum OR species: Isotropis forrestii OR species: Lawrencia densiflora OR species: Leichhardtia australis OR species: Lepidium oxytrichum OR species: Lepidium pedicellosum OR species: Lepidium phlebopetalum OR species: Lepidium platypetalum OR subspecies: Lobelia heterophylla subsp. pilbarensis OR species: Lotus cruentus OR species: Lysiana casuarinae OR species: Lysimachia arvensis OR species: Maireana carnosa OR species: Maireana georgei OR species: Maireana melanocoma OR species: Maireana planifolia OR species: Maireana pyramidata OR species: Maireana thesioides OR subspecies: Maireana tomentosa subsp. tomentosa OR species: Maireana triptera) OR ( species: Marsilea hirsuta OR species: Melaleuca glomerata OR species: Muelleranthus obovatus OR species: Myriocephalus gascoynensis OR species: Phyllanthus maderaspatensis OR subspecies: Nicotiana occidentalis subsp. hesperis OR species: Olearia plucheacea OR species: Oxalis perennans OR species: Yakirra australiensis OR species: Neurachne muelleri OR species: Paspalidium clementii OR species: Petalostylis labicheoides OR species: Pluchea dentex OR species: Pluchea dunlopii OR species: Pluchea rubelliflora OR species: Polycarpaea corymbosa OR species: Portulaca cyclophylla OR species: Portulaca oleracea OR species: Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum OR species: Psydrax latifolia OR species: Psydrax suaveolens OR species: Ptilotus aervoides OR species: Ptilotus clementii OR species: Ptilotus exaltatus OR species: Ptilotus gomphrenoides OR species: Ptilotus helipteroides OR species: Ptilotus obovatus OR species: Ptilotus polystachyus OR species: Ptilotus roei OR species: Ptilotus rotundifolius OR variety: Ptilotus schwartzii var. schwartzii OR species: Ptilotus xerophilus OR species: Rhagodia eremaea OR species: Rhodanthe floribunda OR species: Rhodanthe polakii OR species: Rhodanthe stricta OR species: Rhynchosia minima OR species: Roepera similis OR species: Salsola australis OR species: Santalum lanceolatum OR species: Scaevola cunninghamii OR species: Scaevola tomentosa OR species: Schenkia clementii OR species: Schoenia ayersii OR species: Sclerolaena beaugleholei OR species: Sclerolaena costata OR species: Sclerolaena cuneata OR species: Sclerolaena densiflora OR species: Sclerolaena diacantha OR species: Sclerolaena eriacantha OR species: Sclerolaena lanicuspis OR species: Sclerolaena limbata OR species: Sclerolaena medicaginoides OR species: Sclerolaena tridens OR subspecies: Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia OR subspecies: Senna artemisioides subsp. helmsii OR subspecies: Senna artemisioides subsp. oligophylla OR species: Senna glaucifolia OR subspecies: Senna glutinosa subsp. chatelainiana OR subspecies: Senna glutinosa subsp. glutinosa OR subspecies: Senna glutinosa subsp. pruinosa OR species: Senna hamersleyensis OR species: Senna stricta OR species: Sesbania cannabina OR species: Setaria surgens OR species: Sida brownii OR species: Sida echinocarpa OR species: Sida fibulifera OR subspecies: Sida rohlenae subsp. rohlenae OR species: Sisymbrium orientale OR species: Solanum ashbyae OR species: Solanum cleistogamum OR species: Solanum lachnophyllum OR species: Solanum lasiophyllum OR species: Sporobolus actinocladus OR species: Sporobolus australasicus OR species: Sporobolus blakei OR species: Sporobolus caroli OR species: Stemodia viscosa OR species: Streptoglossa bubakii OR species: Streptoglossa decurrens OR species: Streptoglossa liatroides OR species: Streptoglossa odora OR species: Swainsona forrestii OR species: Swainsona kingii OR species: Synaptantha tillaeacea OR species: Tecticornia disarticulata OR species: Templetonia egena OR variety: Tephrosia rosea var. clementii OR species: Teucrium teucriiflorum OR species: Themeda triandra OR species: Trachymene cyanopetala OR subspecies: Trachymene oleracea subsp. oleracea OR species: Trachymene pilbarensis OR species: Tragus australianus OR species: Trianthema triquetrum OR species: Trianthema turgidifolium OR species: Tribulus astrocarpus OR species: Tribulus suberosus OR variety: Trichodesma zeylanicum var. zeylanicum OR species: Tripogonella loliiformis OR species: Triraphis mollis OR species: Vincetoxicum lineare OR species: Wahlenbergia gracilenta OR species: Wahlenbergia tumidifructa OR species: Podolepis kendallii OR species: Wurmbea densiflora OR species: Wurmbea fluviatilis OR species: Wurmbea inflata)
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  • CC-BY-SA 4.0 (Int)
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  • Creative Commons - license at record level
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  • CC-BY-NC
Date Created: 2024-12-03 2:22 AM

Datasets (99)

Name Licence Record count
NSW BioNet Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 200,256
SA Flora Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 134,354
Flora Atlas N.T. Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Data supplied is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License. 91,224
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', (c) The State of Victoria, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (published [month, year]). Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (International) (CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Int) 4.0) 86,116
Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 45,950
AD AVH Data This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 42,992
iNaturalist Australia 32,867
BRI AVH Data and Images Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 28,414
Northern Territory Herbarium (DNA) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 25,054
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANB) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 24,889
National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 17,503
NSW AVH feed Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License . 15,563
Banded Iron Formation and Greenstone survey data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 10,886
Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 6,230
WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 5,303
Conservation Atlas Surveys Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 5,220
Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) 3,852
Salinity Action Plan Flora Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 1,984
N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1,751
Tasmanian Herbarium (HO) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) You are licensed to use, reproduce, distribute, publish or otherwise make available the Data, or to use or adapt the Data to create derivative works. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the Data, you must attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). In any use or adaptation of the Data to create derivative works, you must acknowledge the use of the Data in the derivative work and attribute the source of the Data as Australia's Virtual Herbarium (AVH). You acknowledge that the Data may contain errors and omissions and that you employ the Data at your own risk. Neither the Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH) nor any other Data Custodian will accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expenses that you may incur as a result of the use of or reliance upon the Data. You should use the current Data from the ALA portal and not rely on material you have previously printed or downloaded. 1,537
Australian Tropical Herbarium (CNS) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 1,519
NatureMapr Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (Australia) 1,224
Greenstone Ranges Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 1,207
Kings Park Botanical Gardens Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 935
John T. Waterhouse Herbarium (UNSW) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 886
Carnarvon Basin upland survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 749
ALA species sightings and OzAtlas CC-BY 656
Shark Bay Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 639
NatureMap Calcrete Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 569
National Seed Bank Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 520
Weed and native flora data for the Swan Coastal Plain Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 519
James Cook University Herbarium (JCT) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 478
ClimateWatch Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 3.0 (Int)) 465
Earth Guardians Weekly Feed Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (International) (CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Int)) 410
Records of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Seedbank CC-BY 349
NatureShare CC-BY Images are CC-BY 2.5, Data is CC-BY-NC 3.0. 346
Fire in Gimlet Woodlands Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) These data are currently being used for research into the impacts of fires on Eucalyptus salubris woodlands. These data have been used to support one journal publication, with a second under review at present. These data are freely available for use, however, we request that potential users contact the project team to discuss opportunities for collaboration. Note that some of these data are duplicates of data available at the TERN Data Discovery Portal, lodged under the project "Time-since-fire plots. Great Western Woodlands (1) Floristic composition and diversity". 306
Qweeds - Queensland Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) © State of Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) 2023. Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0)Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.x) 304
NSW Biosecurity Information System - Weeds Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (International) (CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Int)) 298
Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region CC-BY-NC 288
Swan Coastal Plain Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 281
Estuarine, salt lake and saltfield records (with occasional freshwater records and other terrestrial habitat flora records) other 261
Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) 239
Australian PlantBank Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 166
The University of Melbourne Herbarium (MELU) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 166
Auckland Museum Botany Collection Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 146
PlantBank Records CC-BY 135
Carnarvon Basin wetland survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 122
Darling Scarp Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 113
Banksia Woodlands Restoration Project Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 99
Plants of Scotia Sanctuary CC-BY 95
Lizard Island Research Station CC-BY 91
Janet Cosh Herbarium (WOLL) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 79
Ravensthorpe Range survey data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 67
BowerBird Creative Commons - license at record level (Creative Commons - license at record level) The rights of material uploaded by users to the BowerBird website are owned by those users. Each user will nominate the type of license that can apply to their content - BowerBird encourages the Creative Commons License but users have the right to deny use of their content. Please respect the license wishes of the user's content. For all other material, including the content, design and source code of BowerBird other than user-contributed material, is under the Open Source and Creative Commons licenses. You may use this material. 61
La Trobe University Herbarium (LTB) AVH data Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 60
Jervois and Karinga Flora CC-BY 59
Edith Cowan University - Robert Brown Herbarium Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0)Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.x) 57
Records from the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre CC-BY 55
South Coast Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 43
ERBG AVH data Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (International) (CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Int)) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License. 40
Northern Rivers Koala Habitat Restoration Project Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 30
Brisbane Botanic Gardens Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 29
Buccaneer Archipelago Flora Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 29
NSW South Coast & ACT plants Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Don & Betty Wood 26
Allan Herbarium Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 24
Records of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens Conservation Seedbank CC-BY 23
Bathurst Regional Council Habitat Restoration other 22
Victorian Conservation Seed Bank Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (Australia) (CC-BY-NC 3.0 (Aus)) Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.0)Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int) 4.x) Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (Australia) (CC-BY-NC 3.0 (Aus) 3.0) 22
NSW Flying-Fox Habitat Restoration Program Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 20
Tasmanian Seed Conservation Centre Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 8
The Western Australian Seed Centre (Kensington) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 7
Whicher Scarp Flora Survey Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 7
Port Macquarie-Kempsey Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 6
Lake Muir Wetlands Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Conditions of Access All users need to acknowledge and agree to the following conditions before using NatureMap content: Data within NatureMap is provided with the participation and good will of data custodians and I will endeavour, where possible, to seek a collaborative approach with custodians in any research or papers published using NatureMap data. Re-sale of raw data or the commercial use of images or descriptive text (other than generated maps, species lists and reports) on this site is unauthorised unless written permission is obtained from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). Appropriate and full acknowledgement of DEC and species data custodians (see Data Directory) must always be given in any publication that includes data sourced here. Data provided through NatureMap represents positive records of flora and fauna occurrence. The absence of a record should not be taken to mean flora or fauna is necessarily absent from an area. (To minimise the effect of data gaps, a buffer area should be applied that is reflective of the likelihood of surveys or collections having been undertaken in the target area.) My username and password will not be passed on to any other person or organisation. DEC and data custodians reserve the right to revoke registration if the above conditions of access are not complied with. I will notify DEC if any relevant conditions change that might affect my NatureMap authorisation level. Also note: Custodians have kindly granted permission to allow relatively large subsets of data to be downloaded for a wide range of uses, including within a commercial context. Note, however, it is not NatureMap policy to allow the downloading of entire datasets It is current custodian policy to only grant Advanced Access (see the Registration page) for bona fide research or conservation planning purposes. This does not extend to use within a commercial context. While this may appear restrictive, in fact basic registration provides a great deal of information on both conservation and non-conservation taxa, and all users are encouraged to explore NatureMap's sophisticated querying and mapping capabilities. DEC's Species and Communities Branch continues to provide information on detailed localities of conservation taxa to consultants and other commercial users on a fee-for-service basis. Fair Use Guidlines As stated above, we want as many people as possible to make use of the data available within NatureMap, so long as that use is "fair". It is considered fair for anyone to use information from NatureMap for conservation or planning purposes, including incorporating that information into reports or papers, or summarising and value-adding to data. It is not considered fair use to download raw data and on-sell it. That would contravene copyright. It is also bad business, because anyone could obtain the same data directly from NatureMap. Of particular note: Maps, species lists, reports and raw data may be freely used by anyone, including commercial consultants, for research, planning, generating reports and compilations, or for personal use, so long as the above conditions of access are complied with. Raw data, i.e. bulk detail records of individual locations that have been downloaded from NatureMap and not summarised, compiled or modified in any substantial way, may not be on-sold or rebadged without written permission from the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). This is consistent with Australian Copyright law. Other descriptive text and images, such as Thematic content on wetlands or ecological attributes, remain the property of NatureMap and copyright holders and may not be used without written permission from DEC. For full terms of use see Copyright page at 6
ACT BioBlitz Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) ACT BioBlitz 5
WELT Herbarium at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 5
Southern Highlands Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 4
Plants Of The Green Line - Woolsthorpe Section Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 4
Coffs to Nambucca Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 4
Southern Tablelands Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 3
BioCondition Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 3
North Queensland Eucalypt records - Don Franklin Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) Don Franklin eucalypt records 3
Images of Flora and Fauna of 290 Leppitt Rd, Upper Beaconsfield CC-BY 3
Nature of Eyre Peninsula BioBlitz other 3
MidCoast/Port Stephens Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 2
Greater Sydney Koala Habitat Restoration Project other 2
Clarence Valley Koala Habitat Restoration Project Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 2
Records of the Victorian Conservation Seedbank CC-BY 2
Richmond River - Riparian Restoration other 2
Macquarie University Biodiversity and Conservation Student Observations CC-BY 2
Seed collection for North Coast Local Land Services other 2
Cudgen Nature Reserve Habitat Restoration other 1
Stoney Creek area of Samford Valley recorded by Michael Curran Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 3.0 (Int)) 1
Birdos along the Greenway Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) 1
City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au)) City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory: City of Kalamunda (2022) City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory dataset Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory: City of Kalamunda (2022) City of Kalamunda Biodiversity Inventory dataset Creative Commons Attribution (Australia) (CC-BY 3.0 (Au) 3.0) 1
Great Eastern Ranges - Slopes to Summit CC-BY Great Eastern Ranges Initiative 1
Discovery Circle BioBlitz events other 1