
Occurrence records download on 2019-01-14

Record count: 19,441
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  • CC-BY
  • CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]).
  • CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.
  • CC-BY-Int
  • CC-BY-Int The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see
  • CC-BY-NC
  • CC-BY-NC-Int
  • Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int))
  • other Rights is at record level
  • other When using OBIS data, please cite the relevant data sources.
Date Created: 2019-01-14 8:43 AM

Datasets (18)

Name Licence Record count
IMOS - Animal Tracking Facility - Acoustic Tracking - Quality Controlled Detections (2007 -2017) CC-BY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. 18,450
WildNet - Queensland Wildlife Data CC-BY 348
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas CC-BY Copyright in the data and materials resides with the copyright owners as indicated next to the detailed records. In any reproduction, distribution or publication of the data, or in any use or adaptation of the data to create derivative works, the user must include a citation which attributes the source of the data and the date the data was published, as follows: Data Source: 'Victorian Biodiversity Atlas', © The State of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (published [month, year]). 217
Australian Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 156
OEH Atlas of NSW Wildlife Creative Commons Attribution (International) (CC-BY 4.0 (Int)) 116
iNaturalist CC-BY-NC-Int 68
Queensland Museum provider for OZCAM CC-BY 33
GBIF records other Rights is at record level 24
Wikipedia 6
Museums Victoria provider for OZCAM CC-BY 5
CSIRO Ichthyology provider for OZCAM CC-BY 5
BOLD - Australian records CC-BY-Int 3
European Molecular Biology Laboratory Australian Mirror CC-BY-Int The public databases of the EBI are freely available by any individual and for any purpose. For details see 3
South Australian Museum Australia provider for OZCAM CC-BY 2
Ocean Biogeographic Information System other When using OBIS data, please cite the relevant data sources. 2
CSIRO Oceans and Atmospheres Kapala Trawler Surveys (1975-2008) CC-BY-Int 1
ALA species sightings and OzAtlas CC-BY 1
Questagame weekly feed CC-BY-NC 1