
Occurrence records download on 2018-09-08

Record count: 5
Search query:
  • query: all records
  • filter: Lifeform:"Angiosperms"
  • filter: (taxon_name:"Trachymene composita" OR taxon_name:"Trachymene composita var. composita" OR taxon_name:"Trachymene glaucifolia")
  • context: Thematic group:dh9
  • spatial query: MULTIPOLYGON(((149.1126290615648 -31.1336060577599,149.30351651273668 -31.151236733246233,149.37218106351793 -31.1183234877228,149.37355435453355 -31.261647605095973,149.06181729398668 -31.424678223249128,148.8558236416429 -31.387171035635294,148.90251553617415 -31.197061142568046,149.1126290615648 -31.1336060577599)))
Data profile disabled
  • CC-BY AVH data is given out under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. AVH data is updated very frequently, so it is recommended to use current data, rather than rely on previously downloaded material.
Date Created: 2018-09-08 11:53 PM

Datasets (1)

Name Licence Record count
Australia's Virtual Herbarium CC-BY AVH data is given out under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence. AVH data is updated very frequently, so it is recommended to use current data, rather than rely on previously downloaded material. 5